Page 35 of The Overnight Guest

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In the front yard of the Doyle house, a half dozen deputies still milled around, waiting for Sheriff Butler to tell them what to do next. After the quiet month they’d had, crime-wise, Butler shouldn’t have been surprised that it would return to Blake County with a vengeance. He expected a breaking and entering or a meth bust or a drunken bar fight maybe, but not this. William and Lynne Doyle were good folks. No trouble at all. Sure, their teenage son got into a few dustups, but nothing too serious.

The only available witness was a twelve-year-old girl with a gunshot wound. The girl needed to get to the hospital, but Butler wanted to talk to her first. It looked like there was a guest spending the night with the family and he needed to figure out who it was.

“Christ,” he muttered to himself. Two dead and two missing. He had to talk to the witness before they whisked her away in the ambulance.

Sheriff Butler strode toward the ambulance where two paramedics tended to the girl. Matthew Ellis stood on the perimeter, watching anxiously. “She’s still shivering,” Matthew said. “Can you get her another blanket?”

The female paramedic tucked another blanket around Josie. “You hanging in there, honey?” she asked. Josie nodded, jaw clenched as if trying to keep her teeth from chattering.

“Hi, Josie, I’m Sheriff Butler,” he said, leaning into the ambulance. “Are Erin and Lowell taking good care of you?” he asked and lightly touched her shin. Josie jerked away as if burned. “Whoa, sorry about that,” Butler said, pulling his hand away. “Are you in a lot of pain?” he asked.

“A little,” she admitted.

“We gave her a little something to help with that,” Lowell said and moved more deeply into the ambulance.

“I only have a few questions for you,” Butler said, giving Josie a sympathetic smile. “And I’m sorry to be so blunt, but we want to get you to the hospital. Did you see who hurt your parents?”

Josie looked to her grandfather who nodded.“I never really saw,” Josie said in a small voice. “We were outside. Becky and me. We heard the gun but didn’t see who did it.”

“What’s Becky’s last name?” Butler asked.

“Allen,” Josie said. “Becky Allen.”

“Her mother works at Shaffer’s Grocery,” Matthew filled in, and Butler turned to a deputy. “I need you to find the Allen parents and fill them in on what’s going on. Just the basics,” Butler cautioned. “Tell them there was an incident at the Doyle house and we’re trying to locate Becky. No more than that, got it?” The deputy nodded and rushed off.

“Okay, you’re doing a great job, Josie,” Butler said. “Did you see who shot at you?”

Josie shook her head. “It was too dark. I just saw someone coming toward us. He had a gun. He chased us.”

“So it was a he?” Butler asked.

“I think so,” Josie said.

“Was he young or a grown man?” the sheriff asked.

A ripple of doubt crossed Josie’s face. “I think it was a man, but I’m not sure,” she said thickly, her eyes fluttering shut. “I couldn’t see how old he was.”

“Okay, Josie.” Sheriff Butler sighed. He didn’t get to her before whatever pain medication the paramedics gave her. “Did you see or hear anything else strange last night?”

“A truck. There was a truck,” Josie said groggily.

“Last night? You saw a truck on your property?” Butler asked. This was something.

“No,” Josie said. “On the road. I saw it on the road earlier. Twice. It was white.”

The sheriff let out a breath. White trucks were a common sight in Blake County. Always had been. It wasn’t exactly helpful.

Levi Robbins approached the sheriff. “State police are on their way. Said it might take some time to get the dogs here.”

The sheriff nodded and returned his attention to Josie. “Anything else you came across recently that was unusual. Any strangers hanging around?”

Josie rubbed her head as if it hurt to think. “Not really. We saw Cutter right after supper.”

“Cutter?” Levi asked in surprise.

“Brock Cutter. He’s my brother’s friend,” Josie told them.

“Anyone else you see?” the sheriff asked. “Anyone at all?”

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