Page 98 of Stalking Margery

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“I think we should stay here just a bit longer; talk this out.”

Margery closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. How was she going to survive this embarrassment? Why couldn’t they have this conversation when she was off the toilet?

“I want you to know that you never have to be embarrassed about this. It’s a natural thing. I love taking care of you, and right now, I am. We’re going to do this so many more times; we might as well start getting used to it now. You could hurt yourself when you go to the bathroom.”

The likelihood of her hurting herself was pretty small, she thought. She had been going to the bathroom by herself for a very long time.

“If you’re still like you were when we were younger, you tend to hurt yourself when you least expect it. You could trip while pulling your pants up and hit your head. There could be water on the ground, and you wouldn’t know, and you could slip and hurt yourself. Daddy just wants you safe, and me being there with you ensures that.”

“I’m not getting out of this, am I?” Margery giggled.

Daddy shook his head. “Not unless it’s on the list of things you can’t cope with or triggers you. If it is, then it won’t happen. If it’s not, then it will.”

Margery thought about it for several seconds. It wasn’t ahard no, but she was embarrassed about it. Maybe over time, it would get better. But Margery didn’t think so. She didn’t think she would ever get used to peeing in front of Daddy.

“Will you always be in the bathroom with me?” she asked.

The first thing that popped into her mind was if she needed to poop. There was no way she would be able to poop in front of him. Peeing was one thing, but pooping was a whole other experience. One she wasn’t really looking forward to.

“What’s got you all worried?” Daddy looked concerned.

Marjory couldn’t believe she was about to talk to him about this. She was still on the toilet.

“Communication is key. I can’t read your mind.”

“Sometimes, I wish you could, so I wouldn’t have to say it out loud,” she mumbled.

Daddy chuckled and nodded. “It would be pretty amazing sometimes, but it would also ruin your privacy. Daddy wouldn’t want to listen to your thoughts all the time. I know you work some things through in your mind before you talk to Daddy. It wouldn’t be fair to know them before you were ready to talk about them.”

Daddy did have a point. But she wished when she didn’t want to say it out loud that he could. It would make some things so much easier.

“Now, can you tell me what has you so worried all of a sudden?”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this out loud,” she mumbled. “A hard no is you being with me when I need to poop.”

Everything in Margery wanted to put her head to the sideor hang it, but Daddy was still cupping her face. So, her best option was to close her eyes. She knew he could still see her, but she couldn’t see him or his reaction.

“Oh, Little one. If it’s a hard no for you, then I won’t be there. Thank you for telling me. You just let me know, and I won’t come in. I promise. Well, unless you’re sick or hurt, I might help you in the beginning, but I’ll try not to be there.”

Margery opened her eyes to see Daddy smiling at her.

“I’m so proud of you for telling me that. I know it wasn’t easy. And I won’t always be in the bathroom with you. Sometimes, I won’t be here while I’m working, which means you’ll be able to go to the bathroom on your own. Who knows, you may find that you actually like me being in the bathroom with you.”

“I highly doubt that.”

“You never know. You might shock yourself.”

She chuckled and shook her head. There was no way she was going to get used to Daddy being in the bathroom with her. For her to miss him being in the bathroom with her when he wasn’t there. That was insane.

“As much as I would love for you to stay in the bathroom and have this conversation to get you more comfortable, how about we take a bath together before I show you your surprise.”

“I’m good with no bath.”

Margery just really wanted to see what the surprise was. Daddy hadn’t given her any hints on what it could be. He hadn’t really given her time to ask questions, but she wanted to know. She was dying to know.

“Nope. Not happening. You need a bath. Not because you stink but because it’ll help you recover from last night.”

She sighed but nodded. He was probably right. She would probably regret it if she didn’t soak for a little bit. Or Daddy could just be saying it. Margery hadn’t read about girls soaking in the bathtub after to help with soreness. Was it a thing, and she just didn’t know about it?

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