Page 72 of Stalking Margery

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“Shut the fuck up!” Matthias roared.

She shrunk in on herself and pushed up against Daddy. Shit. She needed to remember not to get on his bad side or do anything to anger him.

“His bark is worse than his bite,” Dahmere whispered. “Don’t be fooled. He’s a big softie once you get to know him.”

Margery shook her head. She did not believe him for one second.

“Not going to believe me?” Dahmere asked.

She looked over at Daddy, not wanting to entertain the question.

If Matthias had said that about Dahmere, she probably would have believed him. Okay, she wouldn’t have since Dahmere was a big, muscular guy. She didn’t want to get on the wrong side of any of them.

What if she did while Daddy was out? What if they decided they had enough and hurt her? What then? Daddy wouldn’t be there to save her then.

Or what if Daddy went away on a trip, and they decided they didn’t like her for him? What if they took that time to torture her slowly and kill her before Daddy arrived back home?

“You must be thinking something pretty horrible,” Clinton noticed.

“You okay, Little one?” Daddy asked.

She looked up at Daddy and gave him a small nod. She didn’t want to give away what she was thinking. What if it actually became a reality? She didn’t want the guys to know and make it worse.

She just needed to be on her best behavior when she was in front of his men.

“Are you sure, Little one?” Daddy sounded concerned.

This time, she looked away from everybody. She hated lying to him, but she definitely didn’t want to talk about it in front of all of them. That was a suicide mission.

“Uncomfortable?” Daddy asked.

“I think she’s just afraid of us. I mean, we aren’t the best-looking. Probably scared and overwhelmed with everything,” Clinton suggested.

“You don’t have to be afraid of them. We’re all on the same side. They are my men, and I trust them.”

Daddy trusted them, and they trusted him. But they didn’t know her. She didn’t trust them. That may make her a bad person, but she didn’t really care. She didn’t know them at all.

“I think Little Miss will just need to spend some time with all of us to get more comfortable. We can all be uncles,” Dahmere said.

“You know, that is the first smart thing you’ve said all day. I like that idea. We’re all family, and you’re a Little, we can be your uncles. I’m Uncle Clint or Uncle Clinton. He can be Uncle Dahmere. And Matthias over there can be Uncle Math,” Clinton explained.

Matthias growled, and she took a step closer to Daddy.When he was impersonating the police officer, he was scary but definitely more welcoming. Margery tried to remember that, but it was difficult. The way he was acting now was terrifying.

Margery was starting to get a headache from thinking about everything. Too much had gone on in such a short amount of time. Her hands went to her temples, and she started to massage them.

“Got a headache?” Daddy asked. “I’ve got some medicine right here for you.”

She watched as he opened up a cabinet and got some pills. Daddy grabbed her a glass of water before handing her everything.

“Juice? Or tea?” she asked.

Margery did not like water at all. It was nasty and tasteless. Who wanted to drink that? Definitely not her.

“Daddy gave you water, so you’re drinking water.”

She sighed and took a sip of water before taking the medicine. Daddy left no room for argument, and she wasn’t about to defy him in front of his men. What if they got angry and wanted to harm her?

“I figured she was going to put up more of a fight,” Dahmere sounded disappointed.

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