Page 62 of Stalking Margery

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“I don’t think it was nothing. Can you tell me?”

She shook her head. She wasn’t ready to tell him. What if he got mad and tied her to the bed? Or even worse, what if he put her in a dungeon-type room and chained her to the wall?

She gasped. “Do you have a dungeon you put people in? Chain them to the wall or from the ceiling?”

“Wow, Little one. Where did that come from?” Daddy looked stunned.

How was she going to explain where her mind went? If she did, she was going to have to tell him why she was thinking of leaving. How was that going to end?

“Little one, where did that come from?” Daddy repeated.

She opened and closed her mouth several times. How was she going to explain it?

“Ummm, my imagination?” She was so unsure about her answer. But she wasn’t fully lying. Her imagination did run a little wild there, and she had gone down a dark rabbit hole.

“Little one.”

“I was worried you would throw me in one of the dungeon rooms and chain me to the wall. Or from the ceiling! My shoulders can’t take that. They’ll be torn from my body in the first five seconds!” Margery was becoming hysterical. Just thinking about her arms being ripped from her body made them ache.

“Wow.Calm down. No one is putting you in a dungeon and hanging you from the ceiling.”

Her eyes went wide. “You do have a dungeon! Oh no! I’mgoing to end up there! My arms are going to be detached from my body!”

Tears had pooled in her eyes. That was not how she wanted to die.

Before she knew it, Daddy’s hands were cupping her face. “Little one. Deep breath in. Such a good girl. No one is going to be hanging you from the ceiling. And anyway, it would take more than five seconds for them to detach from your body. It takes hours of pain and help from other people. But with no help, it could take days and maybe even weeks. Depends on the person and how much fight they have in them.”

Her mouth hung open.

“If they have weak rotator cuffs, it could take less time. If they are malnourished and everything just deteriorates, it’ll probably take even less time. But if they are muscular and have taken good care of their body, it will take a long time. If you help them out by beating on their arms and ribs, then it’ll be quicker. Break a couple of bones, and they’ll probably pass out for a lot of it.”

Margery was going to be sick. He was calmly talking about it like it didn’t bother him one bit.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. You’re okay. I’ll protect you from anyone who wants to do that,” Daddy told her calmly.

She was still stuck on the fact that he said it so casually, like he had done and witnessed it before. Was he immune to it? Did he just not care anymore? Or had he done it so much that he it was normal for him?

It was probably like killing Max. Didn’t think twice aboutit. How many people had he killed in his life? When was the first time? When was the last?

There were so many questions piling up in her head as he gave her bits and pieces of his life. So many things had changed since his death. She figured they would have, but she didn’t think he would go all dark on her. Not that she had to say, but it was a shock.

But at the same time, it also made him a little bit hotter. To know he would do anything and could do anything for her.

“Ha-have—” She stopped herself. What was she thinking? How stupid could she be?

She should not be asking that . She didn’t need to know the answer. It was probably information he wasn’t going to give out freely.

“What’s your question?” Daddy asked.

“Never mind.” Margery didn’t know whether she wanted to know the answer or not. Part of her was curious, but the other part was horrified.

“Have I ever done it before?”

She stared at him, blinking several times. It was like he could read her mind. Was he was just repeating her question? Was he going to answer? It was his job, it seemed, so why would he tell her things like that?

“I have done it before to several people. Some I have helped, and others I have let hang for weeks, letting it slowly tear from the muscles and bones.”

How was she supposed to respond to that? He said it so calmly, like he did it every day. Did he do it every day? Thistime, she wasn’t going to even attempt to ask. She didn’t want to know the answer.

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