Page 5 of Stalking Margery

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Tentatively,she walked toward the dusty pink and white stuffed zebra. Carefully picking it up, she inspected the lettering near the heart.

It was a new stuffed zebra with another binkie around its neck.


That was the word embroidered on the zebra’s heart this time, along with the same initials.


Her hand started to shake as she continued to look at the zebra and binkie. It was becoming real the longer she stared at it. There was no way it was from one of the guys she went out with. They seemed so tame and not manly enough to do something so brazen.

Margery didn’t know what she was really talking about with the guys she had gone out with, but it made sense in her head. She walked over toward her dining room table and sat the stuffed animal next to the other two.

Should she call the police? Or should she just wait? Margery could imagine Adalisa telling her to call the police. Quickly, she grabbed her phone and dialed nine-one-one.

“Hello? What is your emergency?” a deep male voice said.

She stood there for a second, shocked to hear a guy’s voice. Margery knew men worked as dispatchers as well. It just didn’t seem as common, and she definitely wasn’t expecting it.

“Hello, ma’am? Are you there?” the man asked. “Are you in danger?”

Margery was pulled from her thoughts. “Umm, not immediate danger,” she replied.

She really didn’t know how to answer that question. She wasn’t in danger at that moment, but if she was right, she had a stalker, which meant she could be in danger soon. How was she supposed to deal with that?

“What’s your emergency?” he asked.

“I think I have a stalker,” she replied. “I’ve received some… gifts, and I just… I’m pretty sure I have a stalker. Anytime I’m outside, I feel the eyes on me.”

Margery knew she sounded hysterical and crazy, but she needed to get her point across. This wasn’t something little. It was a stalker, which could turn deadly.

“I know it’s a stalker because I’ve talked to my friends about it to see if they were doing it. I don’t know many people, which leaves me with a stalker. All the items I’ve gotten have one word on them.”

“And you want us to send somebody over to check it out?” he asked.

“Can you conduct an investigation? I just… It’s weird. It’s scary. ’I’ve got a stalker.”

“All right, ma’am. Calm down. We’ll send somebody out. Tell me your address; we’ll get somebody out to you.”

Margery rattled off her address and started to pace in her living room as she waited for the police officer to arrive. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang, making her jump in their air as her heart started to race. She ran over to the door, opening it.

“Hello ma’am. My name is Officer Matthias. We spoke on the phone earlier,” he explained.

She stared at him in confusion. Weren’t dispatchers andpolice officers different? She only knew what she had seen on TV, but she figured the person taking the calls couldn’t leave their stations in case other called. What was going on?

“Shouldn’t you be at the station taking the calls?” she asked before she could stop herself. “Sorry. I’m confused. I thought dispatchers and police officers were different.”

“We are. I happened to be at the office when you called. They asked me if I could take it as they were all busy, so I did. I’m here now, so what can I help you with?”

Something felt off as she stared at him. This wasn’t making any sense. Why would he be at the office where the dispatchers are? Were they in the same place?


“Margery,” she replied. “My name is Margery.”

“Well, Miss Margery, you called about a stalker?”

She nodded and took a step back from the door, allowing him into her house.

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