Page 4 of Stalking Margery

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Who would be out at this time? Not many people. It was weird that the nail and hair store she worked at was open this late, but she just attributed it to it being in New York. They did have customers come in this late to buy things.

An eerie feeling washed over her the closer she got to her house. She knew she was being watched, but by who’. Maybe it was just her imagination. She walked home from work every single day; she walked to work as well. Margery did have a car, but why drive when it was between a five and ten minute walk?

She let out the breath she was holding and relaxed her shoulders. There was no reason for her to feel this way. No reason at all. Sure, she needed to be diligent and aware of her surroundings, but she shouldn’t be so paranoid that it freaked her out. And if anything happened, she had a knife in her hand, ready to use if she needed to.

The view of her porch came into sight, and she felt her shoulders drop and muscle loosen as she got closer. That was until she saw another stuffed animal at her door.

Margery didn’t tell any of her dates where she lived. She didn’t want them to know, but they could have asked around. Adalisa might have given it to them if they asked. She was encouraging Margery to get out more, have one-night-stands, and do things she wouldn’t normally.

She’d have to ask Adalisa tomorrow when she got to work. There was’ no reason for her to panic right now. It was very plausible for her coworker to do that. She had nevergiven her address out, but she had given her phone number out several times.

Margery grabbed the big stuffed zebra by her front door.Daddy’swas embroidered on the heart withY. L.underneath it. Were those the initials of the person? None of the guys she was talking to had those initials. Not even close.

Another binkie was added around the neck. What was up with that? Why were they added? None of them knew she liked to use them. Most people thought it was weird when a grown adult did.

She was starting to worry as she continued to look at the stuffed zebra. Why did it haveDaddy’sembroidered on it? Nobody knew she was a Little. The only person she had thought about telling was Ethan, but he had died before she could.

It was one of her biggest regrets. She had pushed it off for so long because part of her was embarrassed. But looking at it now, she wished she had told him when she first was starting to figure it out. It was torture keeping it from him, but she didn’t know how he would react.

He would have loved her no matter what. She knew that now, but she hadn’t back then. Or she didn’t fully believe it.

Margery looked around, trying to see if anyone was around. When had this been dropped off? Was the person watching her?

But the longer she looked around, the more she thought ’there was no-one there. She ’couldn’t feel any eyes on her . She was really going to have to talk with Adalisa about giving her address to people. It wasn’t safe.

It was probably one of the guys she had gone out on adate with. He could have a Daddy kink for all she knew. Hopefully, it was just that Adalisa had given out her address and nothing more sinister.



Acouple of days had passed since Margery got the second stuffed zebra. She asked Adalisa about it the next day, but she hadn’t given out her address to anybody. Margery left out the binkie being attached to it again. She didn’t need Adalisa to ask even more questions and get suspicious.

That’s when the worry started to bubble inside of her. Who could it possibly be? Who could possibly know that her favorite animal was a zebra? Margery hadn’t given that information out to any of the guys she went on a date with. And she hadn’t told them that she was a Little.

There were so many things that were wrong. So many things that were red flags. Margery had no idea who was doing this.

None of the guys had messaged her about her receiving the stuffed animals. She figured that by this point, they would have asked her a question to see if she had gotten them or not.

But there was nothing.

Nothing at all.

Come to think of it, the guys hadn’t messaged her at all. Some of the dates actually seemed promising. Margery thought she would get to know them better the longer they talked, and after that, could make a decision.

But that was the least of her worries. Every single time she walked to work, or anywhere, she felt eyes on her. And every single time, she would look around to see who could possibly be following her.

Nobody was.

That was worst part. Sometimes, it was when nobody was walking with her. Which meant somebody had to be in the shadows, watching her.

Did she have a stalker? Margery shook her head. She couldn’t have a stalker. It wasn’t possible. She didn’t interact with many people at all.

Sighing, she headed for toward the kitchen. She had to work in a couple of hours, but she needed to eat something before she left. She had another closing shift, and she knew it would be a while before she got her break to eat anything.

Walking into the kitchen, Margery grabbed an apple, knowing it wasn’t a full meal but was the only thing that sounded good, before taking it into the living room. When she saw another stuffed zebra sitting on her coffee table, she screamed and dropped her apple. Heart beating faster, it felt like someone was sitting on her chest as she couldn’t get a full breath in.

That wasn’t where she placed the other two. The other two were on the dining room table, right next to each other. Could she have woken up and moved it?

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