Page 49 of Stalking Margery

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Her eyebrows pinched together. How was she getting him every single time? Was he always on duty? It couldn’t behis personal number since she typed in nine-one-one and not a long number.

“Are you always on duty?” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

“No ma’am,” he replied. “You just always seem to catch me when I’m either getting off my shift or starting it.”

Now she felt bad for catching him when his shift was ending. How many times had she done that?

“What do you need?” he inquired.

Should she tell him? He had always insisted it was a secret admirer, but she knew it wasn’t.

“Ma’am? Are you still there?” Officer Matthias asked.

“Yes, sorry. I was calling because I got two more stuffed zebras last night. But these were a little different.”

He sighed. “How were they different?”

“Instead of words, they had numbers. Two and one. The other ones spelled out a sentence.”

She knew how crazy it sounded, but she was for real. She wouldn’t lie about something so serious. There was no reason for her to.

“And what did the phrase say?”

“Daddy’s coming for you. Two. One.”

“That sounds like a secret admirer from the first word.”

“It’s not. I promise it’s not a secret admirer. Some appeared in my house when I was asleep, and I had locked up. Not normal and not okay.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s just a secret admirer. Someone you went on a date with and might have said no to, or a person from high school who you never interacted with.”

Margery took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “Ipromise you, it’s not. I’ve felt his eyes on me. I’ve seen him. I’m not lying.”

“Well, I can file a police report. Someone will follow up in a couple of days. Is that all right? It’s a lot of paperwork. You might have to come in and talk about everything.”

“Yes, that’s all right. I have no problem coming in and giving a statement or whatever. I can even bring the stuffed zebras with the note I received. What else do I need to bring?”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. They may not call you in. I’m just going to file the paperwork, so the case starts. But the officer who’s going to look into it might not see a need to investigate.”

“Why can’t you do it? You have been over and know everything that has gone on.”

She didn’t want to have to explain everything to a new officer. What if they were worse than Officer Matthias and didn’t acknowledge what was happening?

“I wish I could, but I can’t,” he replied.

She held in a snort. He did not sound like he wanted to even file the paperwork. Maybe he was pushing this onto some new person and telling them not to investigate. Margery didn’t know, but she didn’t have a good feeling about it.

“I’ve got some long overdue vacation time. Today is my last day for a couple of weeks.”

And now she felt bad for assuming he didn’t want to look into it.

“But you would have investigated if you weren’t going on vacation, right?” Her voice was filled with hope.

“Can I be truthful?” heasked.

“Please.” She didn’t want to be lied to.

“If I were still going to be in town, I still wouldn’t investigate. I think you’re overreacting a little. It looks to be a secret admirer from my point of view. If it were me, I would probably file the paperwork to ease your concerns but never actually follow through with anything.”

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