Page 103 of Stalking Margery

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She launched herself into his arms and let it all out. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close as she sobbed.

Margery didn’t know how long Daddy held her or how long she actually cried. But what she did know was she felt better, lighter than before.

“You’re such a good girl. You deserve this and the world.”

She held onto him tighter. He was making everything better.

“Do you want to play with the tea set?” Daddy asked.

Margery pulled it back and nodded. “Let me go grab Jonesy!”

“No need. I placed him on the bed last night.”

She quickly looked over and realized she had missed Jonesy sitting on the bed. How had she missed him?

“I’m a terrible stuffed animal mom,” she wailed.

“You’re not a terrible stuffed animal mom. I kept you occupied last night. And when you fell asleep, I quietly got out of bed and grabbed him from downstairs.”

“What if I had asked for him earlier?” she asked.

How could he have known she wouldn’t ask for Jonesy before he showed her the room?

“You didn’t, but I tried to keep you occupied.”

Made sense. He had kept her occupied all morning. Thebath, them talking about the bet, and him showing her the onesie.

“Now, how about we go play?” he suggested.

She nodded and ran toward the bed, grabbing Jonesy before heading to the little table. She carefully placed him on one of the chairs before she sat down. Daddy sat next to her, and she smiled.

Her gaze wandered over toward the cubicles. She saw a sparkling tiara and let out a little squeal. Pushing her chair back, she skipped over toward the cubicles and grabbed the tiara.

“I’m the queen,” she declared as she put the tiara on.

“Am I the king?” Daddy asked.

Margery giggled and shook her head. Daddy fake gasped and held his hand over his heart.

“Then what am I?”

She giggled even more as she sat down. Daddy wasn’t going to like what he was.

“Your Majesty, who am I?”

“The butler!”

She held a straight face for as long as she could, but Daddy’s face was priceless. She found herself giggling and then full-on laughing, almost falling out of her chair. Daddy quickly held on to her and helped her sit up.

“The butler? How am I only the butler?”

She shrugged but still laughed.

“You don’t know?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. I didn’t hire you. Jonesy did!” She pointed toward her stuffed zebra. Daddy gasped and looked overat Jonesy.

“And Jonesy is who?”

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