Page 55 of Shattered Dreams

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“You want to come to the event?” She picks up her burger as I pick up mine. This is as close as we’ve gotten to having dinner together since that one night.

“Of course, I want to come to the event. I want to support you.”

“Um…” She’s not sure what to say. “The tickets are expensive, and you’ve already tried the new blend.”

“Autumn,” I say her name, “do you not want me there?”I try not to let it get to me, but I’m getting really pissed at the thought.

“I didn’t say that,” she says calmly.

“You also didn’t not say it.” I pick up my burger,trying not to let it get to me.

“Fine, I’ll give you a ticket,” she concedes softly, opening the drawer beside her and taking out something from her desk and handing it to me. “You get the first ticket.”

She places the ticket in front of me, and I see that it’s black and gold. “No, I’ll buy a ticket,” I say. “I’ll pay Brady if you don’t want to take my money.”

“If I fight with you, will I win?” she asks.

“Baby,” I call her the nickname I’ve been calling her more and more in private, “the only time you will win a fight is if we’re fighting about which bed to sleep in.” Her cheeks get pink as she looks at the door to make sure it’s just the two of us. “Or what position you want me to fuck you in.” She laughs. “Besides, I want two tickets.”

“You’re going to bring a date?” she asks. I can see the color drain out of her face, and I just stare at her.

“I don’t know if Emmett will want to be called my date,” I deadpan, without telling her there is no one I’m going to be fucking dating but her. “Is that okay?”

“Yes,” she answers, the color coming back into her face as she closes her eyes. “I really need for this to work,” she admits. “I’m exhausted.”

“I’m going to take these plates to the front.” I get up and pick up the plates. “Then I’ll see if it’s busy, and if not, I’m taking you home.”

“Brady is just as tired,” she states, trying to hide the yawn she’s fighting.

“Brady comes in at noon some days,” I remind her. “Brady isn’t working eighteen hours a day.” I walk out to the front and see only six people in tonight.

“Slow night?” I say as I clean the plates and put them in the dishwasher.

“We were slammed all afternoon with three fucking tours. I even had to cook a couple of burgers,” Brady explains. “I’m about to do last call.” He looks at his watch. “It’s eight p.m. and it’s a Monday.”

I pull out two twenties and place them on the bar. “I’m going to take her out of here.” I motion to the back, and he nods. He hasn’t said anything to me about the two of us, but I know he’s seen us a couple of times share a kiss in the back when we thought no one was there. “See you tomorrow.”

“See you,” he says, and I walk in the back and find her with her head on the desk.

I walk to the side of the chair and bend to kiss her cheek. Her eyes flutter open. “Come on, baby, let’s go.” She sits up, rubbing her eyes.

“Brady?” she mumbles as I pull her up from her chair and grab her purse.

“He’s closing now,” I inform her as we walk out the back door. I walk her to her side of the car, opening the door for her. “Get in.” She looks up at me, and I can’t help it. I bend my head and kiss her lips. “How does a bath sound?” I ask, and she moans in my arms. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I chuckle as she gets in the car, and I walk over to the driver’s side, get in, and make my way over to my house. She puts her head on the window, and she’s out like a light in two seconds.

“Where are we?” she asks when I stop the car, and she opens her eyes.

“My house.” I get out and am about to carry her inside, but she gets out and meets me at the front door. I don’t say anything to her as I walk in the house and head for my bathroom. I turn on the water and test it before walking over and grabbing one of the bath bombs I never use that are in a basket by the tub. She stands next to me as I sit at the corner of the tub.

“Are you coming in with me?” She steps between my legs as I look up at her, her fingers pushing back the hair at the side of my head.

“Do you want me to come in with you?” She nods as she crosses her arms in front of her and pulls off her T-shirt, throwing it to the side, followed by her jeans and then her bra and panties. She stands in front of me naked. My head bends forward to kiss her stomach. “Get in. I’ll get undressed.” My clothes join hers as she gets in and I quickly step in, sitting in front of her.

She comes over to me and straddles my lap. “Thank you for running me a bath,” she says softly, my arms wrapping around her. Her mouth finds mine at the same time she reaches between us and sinks down on me. My hands grip her waist as she rides me, my mouth coming down to her nipple, neither of us saying a word. Even when we get out of the tub and head to bed, she slides in and meets me in the middle. Her head is on my chest, and in no time, I feel her heavy weight on me. It doesn’t take me long to join her.

When the alarm rings, I’m on my stomach facing the bedside table. She’s draped over my back, and I smile as she cuddles into me for a couple of seconds before rolling away from me and getting out of bed. She heads to the bathroom and comes back out fully dressed. Coming to my side of the bed, she bends to kiss my lips. “Have a good day,” she says, rushing out of my house before I even have a chance to get up.

I toss the cover off myself and get out of bed, grabbing my jeans from last night and my T-shirt before sending Emmett a text.

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