Page 27 of Challenged

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Is it really so difficult to believe that, given everything else I’ve had to accept since I woke up?

Think about it logically, rationally, I tell myself. Do what you do best.

Solve the problem.

I take a breath, hold it deep in my lungs, then try to expel my panic along with the air when I release it. Pushing to my feet, I brush my hands over the hideous dress, trying to straighten it. A force of habit. I know there’s no way to make this particular number look good, even if I could flatten every crease in it.

“You say we’re dreaming now?” I say, pleased when my voice comes out firmer.

“Yes, linasha,” Yellow Eyes says, rising to his feet as well. He passes my height, then continues unfolding up and up. Over seven feet tall. I have to tip my head back to look him in the eye. Idon’t like that it sends a little shiver down my spine to do so, my treacherous body quivering in the face of his raw masculinity.

“And we’re in dreams together. So you are the you that I saw in the pod room? Who I attacked in the shower?”

Even though my attack doesn’t seem to bother him, a blush rises in my cheeks again.

“Yes. My name is Rardek.” He puts a hand to his chest, bows his head, as if in some sort of formal greeting. Then his eyes flash, his grin turning wicked. “And do not be embarrassed that you were unable to keep your hands off me. I know my face is very fine, my other features even more so.”

The little emphasis he puts on ‘features’ douses any embarrassment I feel as quickly as a bucket of cold water.

“Funnily enough, I didn’t even notice your dick. So it’s clearly not as ‘fine’ as you think it is.”

I regret opening my mouth immediately. Being antagonistic towards guys rarely works out well, insulting their manhood even less so. But Rardek just roars with laughter, eyes sparkling as if my sass delights him.

“I was not referring to my cock, although I promise you, it is quite fine. It was my backside you had the opportunity to stare at.”

I blush again, wondering if he knew I was standing there, staring at him. Admiring him. No, I decide quickly, pushing my embarrassment back down. If he knew I was there, he wouldn’t have let me pull his tail.

Then I look at his expression and realise he’s not being serious. There’s a teasing slant to his smile, his eyes glittering with amusement. I scowl at him again and that amusement only intensifies.

“So you will remember this conversation when I wake up?” I say, dragging myself back on point.

“Yes. This is as real for me as it is for you. I will know all that has been spoken between us. I will recall the sight of you in that dress.” A glimmer of amusement at my expense. I can’t even be pissed about it - I look ridiculous. “Sally of the human females has the best command of our words. I do not believe you have met her yet. She will be able to translate any conversation you wish to have with me to confirm this.”

“Because you don’t speak my language in the waking world?”


I think about it for a moment. “Okay. Let’s decide on a code word. Then if you are able to repeat it to me in the waking world, I’ll know it really was you talking to me now.”

He nods. “Clever. What word would you like to use?”

“Uh.” My mind goes blank.

“How about ‘flame’?” he says, eyes glittering with mischief.

It’s as good a word as any, I suppose.

“Okay, ‘flame’ it is.”

Silence falls between us, but Rardek’s eyes remain on me, the heat of his gaze licking over my skin. The way my body warms in response is made even more uncomfortable by the scratchy, oppressive fabric of the dress. I tug at it, wishing I could rip it off.

“Don’t tell anyone about this awful dress,” I say.

Rardek grins. “If you dislike your attire, will it to change. This is the dreamspace. You are in control here. Simply imagine it and it can become true.”

And prove I’m asleep at the same time.

I close my eyes, picture my work attire. The sharp lines of my shirt and pencil skirt combo, the red patent leather of my nicest shoes. I picture my hair scooped up in a high, professional pony tail. Earrings and a subtle necklace to finish the picture.

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