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“Good morning, sweetheart. Why don’t you get back into bed, and we’ll have breakfast?”

“It smells divine. What did you make?”

“Very thin pancakes wrapped around the tiramisu I whisked together to make it into a filling, drizzled with a hazelnut chocolate sauce, some mixed fruit, coffee, and bacon.”

Mandy scooted over to the middle of the bed, and John put the tray down, which held the plates, utensils, and napkins. He poured her a mug of coffee he’d made in her French press, then added a smidgeon of cream and made her comfortable, so she could eat.

“You remember how I like my coffee,” she said with wonder. No man had ever paid attention to the small details the way John did.

“Part of my job is paying attention to small things and putting that knowledge to good use.”

She grinned and leaned over to kiss him, then took a bite of the pancakes and sighed.

“Oh my God, these are delicious. I want these at least once a week.”

He laughed. “You make the tiramisu, and I’ll make the pancakes.”

“So, Marshal Hampton, besides saving damsels in distress, spanking them when they misbehave, then spending the night ensuring they have the best sex of their entire lives, what exactly do you do? For the marshals, I mean?”

“The US Marshals are tasked with capturing fugitives, serving federal arrest warrants, transporting prisoners, and overseeing the witness protection program.”

“Well, doesn’t that sound official and right out of the brochure,” she teased. “Isn’t that dangerous?”

“For the most part, not if it’s done right. There’s an element of danger to be sure, but we’re well trained, careful, and know what we’re doing.”

“I would think the job puts you up against some of the most dangerous bad guys.”

“I won’t lie, it does. There will be times I won’t be able to come home or be able to call you. Anyone who partners up with a marshal has to be resilient, smart, and able to do for themselves in some situations. But I don’t take relationships lightly. You’ll know as much as I can tell you, and I will always ensure the job doesn’t touch you.”

Mandy stopped breathing for a moment. She couldn’t believe he’d said that, couldn’t believe she believed him.

“If you’re going to share your life with me,” she said tentatively, “it has to be all of it. You can’t shield me from the ugly side of what you do.”

“I didn’t mean it that way. I meant if it gets dangerous, I’ll get you to safety with people who can make sure you stay that way. So, the idea of sharing a life with me doesn’t sound so bad?”

“Honestly? It scares the crap out of me. And in the spirit of honesty, I could do without getting my ass spanked, but the sharing your bed portion has a lot of appeal.”

He laughed and kissed her again. “You can avoid getting spanked by behaving yourself.”

“Now, where’s the fun in that?”

“Fair warning, Mandy, I’ll hold you accountable for what you do.”

“Yes, Sir, Marshal Hampton, Sir.” She saluted him.

They finished breakfast while sharing their schedules and making plans for the week, then he glanced at the clock on the wall.

“Babe, I’d much rather stay here, but as it is, I have to go by my place, and I’m going to be late.”

“I understand. I appreciate that you didn’t just leave, not to mention fixing my breakfast. I don’t think anyone has ever fixed me breakfast in bed.”

“I’ll see you tonight,” he promised as he headed to the door.

“John?” He stopped and looked at her. “While you’re home, why don’t you pack some things to just here, so you don’t always have to go home? That way we can sleep in.”

“Why is it, I think sleeping wasn’t what you had in mind?”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” she said, smiling at him.

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