Page 158 of I Will Break You

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Dale’s screams reach a crescendo, but I can barely hear the words through the blood roaring through my ears.

Don’t tell me…

I gag.

He couldn’t be…

When Xero holds up a fleshy appendage, my vision goes double, and I sway on my feet. Gulping for air, I force myself to stay conscious. Every fiber of my being wants me to black out and escape this chamber of torture, but that would mean falling into Dale’s expanding puddle of blood.

I turn back to my corner and resolve not to watch Xero’s insane rampage, but the snap and clink of chains have my body giving into curiosity.

Dale lies on his side, no longer attached to his thinner comrade, a ruddy-faced man with strawberry-blond hair. His pupils are so blown that it’s impossible to tell his true eye color, but all the blood has leached from his face.

Xero crouches in front of the man, holding the severed penis. “Did you see Amethyst’s ass?”

He shakes his head. “I was the one who told Dale not to do it.”

“I see,” Xero replies, not sounding like he believes a word. “And your name is?”

“Paul,” the man replies with a shudder. “Paul Brantley.”

“Well, Paul Brantley, Dale wasn’t very cooperative, and he touched the woman I love. You’re going to make up for his transgressions by telling me everything you know.”

My breath catches, and I sway on my feet. Does Xero really love me or is he just saying that to prove a point?

Paul’s gaze darts to the severed penis. “Or what?”

“Or you choke on Dale’s cock. Then I slice off yours and ask the next guy the same questions. If none of you cock-less wonders want to speak, then I’ll gouge out your eyes. If that doesn’t loosen your tongues, then I’ll cut them out, too.”

Paul shudders. “Oh, God.”

“I prefer the Angel of Death, but God also works,” Xero says with a dazzling smile.

My pussy chooses that moment to flutter. I wonder if the superficial bitch realizes that she’s simping for a psychopath.

Xero dangles the penis in his face. “Are you ready to talk?”

“What do you want to know?” Paul blurts.

“Who sent you?” Xero asks.

“My boss?”


Paul gulps. “I’ll tell you in exchange for my freedom.”

“I’m listening,” Xero says.

“You’ve got to set me free first.”

Xero cocks his head. “Let me guess, you’ll send the information I want in the mail?”

Paul’s entire body sags, realizing the futility of making demands. “I was only following orders, okay? The boss said to bring her to him, unhurt, but Dale decided he wanted a taste.”

“Go on.”

“We’re scouts from X-Cite Media. We make?—”

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