Page 52 of Breakneck Hockey

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“Huh?” He blinks, stretching. “Naw. I’m good t’go.” He stands up. “You’re not the boss of me, Sutter.”

Casey flips me the double bird and wanders back to the dancefloor where Dirk pulls him into his body.

Don’t like that. But I’d rather it be Dirk than a rando on the dancefloor. I observe a lot of things on that dancefloor. The other Alderchuck has a thing for that Dash kid. I immediately put Dash in the brat category because Other Alderchuck’s a toppy type if I ever saw one. Just one of the many reasons I knew it was him walking up that day at The Wicklow instead of my Alderchuck.

But also, there was no fire. None. Not even a flicker. For the briefest of seconds, I thought I’d been cured of my affliction, but then I spied Casey behind the bar and the familiar incineration of my flesh flared. He doesn’t know what he does to me, and he never will.

Dirk, though. What’s his deal? Not sure. He seems close with Dash in a different way than the other Alderchuck. But it’s so hard to tell anything with the way their whole crew always has their hands on each other.

Just another reason Casey and I are better as rivals who fuck. I’d never allow that and I can imagine the fit he’d throw if I ever told him all the friendly molesting stuff he does with his friends had to stop. The few times I’ve had a boyfriend, I definitely didn’t want to see them as close to their best friends as Casey is with his. Mercy’s grinding his teeth down to the nerve as it is. I’d behead someone.

Other Alderchuck ambles off the dancefloor in search of more booze. Perfect. I wag a can of tequila soda from the selection of drinks I had brought to the table. He takes the bait. I doubt it’s because he’s foolish. Other Alderchuck doesn’t look like the kind of guy you underestimate, but he’s the kind to have the manners of a saint—until you piss him off.

I can’t call him Alderchuck—I only call Casey that—and I guess I can’t call him Other Alderchuck to his face if I want him to tell me what was on his mind earlier. Too impersonal.

“Stacey.” I give a stiff nod.

“What do you want, Sutter?” he says, opening the can and taking a hearty pull.

Okay, so tempers run in the Alderchuck family, but he’s not angry about me. Those stony eyes of his flick toward the dancefloor too many times and land on the pretty one. Dash is pretty in a different way than Logan is.

“Since we know that I’m not going to keep to myself, and we’re grown-ass adults—your words—any advice for me?”

He glares through my soul in a very Alderchuck-y way. Yeah, I see it, I see how they’re alike, but I still know he’s not my Alderchuck, and not just because they’re in different clothes.

“If you think I’m going to give you an instruction manual on how to get my brother back in bed with you, you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

No. I didn’t think for a second that he’d help me get him in my bed, even though that is my goal.

“I was thinking more along the lines of, since I probably am gonna have him back in my bed, what are best practices for pissing him off less?” Because let’s be real, I’m going to piss him off as much as he pisses me off, but keeping it to a minimum means more satisfaction for everyone.

Letting my gaze drift, it lands on Casey who’s currently got his friends’ hands all over him. I’ve had to pull him away from those hands a few times when I’ve stopped by the house. I’m about ready to do it again if it goes any further.

Stacey sighs so heavily, that I can hear it above the deafening music. “Yeah, you’re right. Even I see that coming. I’m not gonna stop you, because you’re his mistake to make, but I don’t knowthat I have any useful advice for a fuckuationship. Unless … have you changed your mind?”

In other words, do I want to take Casey up on his offer of boyfriends?

I snap my eyes to his. “No.” My heart races.

“Then I have nothing. Come back if you ever do.” He finishes his drink and he’s back on the dancefloor, beelining it for one man. At least he removes Dash from Casey, but Casey molds himself against Jack, wordlessly daring me to do something about it.

Seriously, how has Jack’s boyfriend not done something about them by now?

Just when I think I can’t stand it anymore, Dirk saunters over on his way to the bar but stops when he sees the drinks at our table. I offer him one.

“Dirk, right?” I ask.

“Yep.” Dirk’s got thicker muscles than the Dash guy, built more like Jack and Casey. His ball cap’s spun backward and he openly sizes me up. “Casey won’t shut the fuck up about you. It’s annoying as hell.”

“He’s saying nice things, I hope?” I smirk. I’m sure Casey’s saying the vilest things about me, especially after turning him down.

I get a smile from Dirk for my witty sarcasm. It’s a half-one, but it means I’m right. And I’ve confirmed that Casey’s talking about me. I still get under his skin. He’sthinkingabout me.

“You two are so messed up.” He downs a beer and heads in the direction of the restrooms.

Jack Leslie’s next. He’s drunk and furious. Words slurring and everything. “Why’re you still here, Sutter? Your bestie’s gone. No reason for you to be skulking about.”

“Drink?” I offer.

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