Page 20 of Ice Dance Hockey

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Fuck. My dick likes it. He’s sensational. Special.

Hecannotgo to the restaurant I have reservations at dressed like that. We’ll be plastered all over the damn media in ways even my PR team won’t be able to control. Father will roast me alive. He’ll forbid me from seeing Logan at all and I’ll have to find another fake boyfriend that won’t be close to Jack. After what I’ve just witnessed between them, it’s clearly vital that I insert myself back into his life pronto.

I should never have left to begin with. That’s a mistake I’ll regret for the rest of my life.

The click of Logan’s shoes—my God they make his calves look divine, but he needs more expensive ones—draw Mercy’s attention and from the way his face contorts, he’s not happy about Logan’s fashion choices either. “What are you wearing?”

“How dare you? A man can wear a skirt and heels if he wants to.”

“Not saying a man can’t. I’m sayingyoucan’t. That’s way too sexy for a first date. Turn around. Go put some pants on.”

“For fucksake, Mercy. I’m an adult. I can wear whatever I want to. Besides, it’s not a real date.”

“Oh, boy,” Jack mutters, not daring to get involved.

Unfortunately, I’m in a position where I have to agree with Mercy. I’d love to show Logan off dressed as he is, but Elkingtons have rules we must follow. For now, Logan has to adhere to protocol.

“It’s a date as far as I’m concerned. So long as you live in my house, you obey my rules. Go change.”

He didnotbust out that line. My lip might break with me biting it so hard to keep from laughing. Mercy is a brother-dad through and through.

For some reason, one I can’t fathom, Logan turns to Jack for help. He doesn’t know Jack at all. Jack might look like a replica of the captain, he might have genetically inherited some of his mannerisms too, but he’s gentle like his other dad off the ice.

“Please do something about your overbearing husband. You can’t agree with this,” Logan says.

Husband? What is he doing? Even though they’re wearing rings, I know they’re not married. That’s something my private investigation team would have made me aware of immediately.

“Sorry, Lo. I agree with Merc,” Jack says.

“Of course, you do. You two are disgusting.”

“Logan,” Mercy growls.

Time for me to step in or he might not be going on this date at all. I walk over to the prickly little cactus. Knowing my Rhett charm won’t work on him is humbling. I have to be sincere. My presence takes him by surprise, and I use the opportunity to turn his chin up to me so that I’m staring directly into his gray-blue eyes.

“You look utterly divine, my beautiful scorpion, but I’m afraid you do have to change.”

He’s dazed, blinking up at me. It stirs the same kind of feelings in me that I get when I’ve scored a goal or six, only this is an accomplishment like no other because Logan isn’t the kind easily stunned.

I may not have known him long, but he taught me that fine little detail about himself on the first day of Logan one-oh-one.

It’s only a fleeting moment of bewilderment and then the sharp creases of ire return to his alluring features.

“I can’t believe you’re on his side, too. Oh right, Jack. Of course. You’ll take any side he’s on. This is unfair.”

The imbecile. He’s going to ruin everything. Taking a breath, I do my best not to let my irritation show. “No. You’re fake dating the Mayor of Vancouver’s son. If you want to wear a dress for our next date, I’ll get you something more appropriate.”

“Or,” he says, removing one of his shoes. “How about,” he chucks the first shoe at me, “I don’t bother going,” he works on the second and I know where it’s going, “at all!”

I’m a giant hockey player who can take a lot more than a spiked heel. I don’t bother moving out of the way. I roll my eyes at his brattish display and pick up the fallen shoes that bounced right off me. I keep my voice steady and collected. “You’re coming with me on the date, Logan, even if I have to carry you out of here.”

“Like hell, I will.Try.”

“I won’t have to try, but I would prefer if you came peacefully. I gave you your ice time, now you’ll give me your time.” I also sent the iPhones, which I know he received. They came at the same time as the suit.

His jaw drops and now he’s back to Mercy for help. “Are you going to let him tell me what to do? I thought you two hated each other?”

“My feelings about Rhett are irrelevant. You need to learn a lesson. This was a bad idea, but it’s an agreement you made. As much as I hate to admit this, Rhett’s delivered. You need to hold up your end of the bargain. However, if I think for a second that he’s mistreating you, then yes, I’ll step right in. Until then, you’re on your own.”

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