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A Ride with Dear Dad


You’ve had your fun. Time to break up with him.

Atext from my dear father. I knew it wasn’t a suggestion, but I wasn’t telling Logan what Father was up to this time right before I left him. He won’t eat. At least I was able to convince him to let me handle it. And I will. I’m not breaking up with Logan. I am going to put an end to Father’s Rhett puppet show.

I can make you.

He sent the second text when I wouldn’t answer the first. I know he’ll try, but I’m digging my heels in this time. Logan’s mine and he’ll stay mine. Maybe then Father will finally see what he means to me.

Bag slung over my shoulder, I shut the door to my hotel room while sending a text to Lo.

See you tonight, baby.

I was getting a stream of texts from him right up until Merc arrived. The last one I got was a bunch of toothbrush emojis. Merc doesn’t mind a little smartassery so he probably said something extra smartass.

Still in toothbrush hell. See you tonight, Gorilla. *heart emoji*

A heart. He sent me a heart. Life is damn good.

Jack’s in the lobby, stuffing a teddy bear sporting a mini Calgary jersey into his carry-on. “What are you doing with enemy paraphernalia?” I ask.

“For my son.” He smiles. “I get to see him tonight.”

“Still doesn’t answer my question.”

“I’m collecting a stuffy for him everywhere I play so that he knows I didn’t forget about him. And yeah, I know he doesn’t know the difference at his age—Lo points that out all the time—but here’s proof for when he’s older.”

“Everywhere you play, hmm?”

“Except Boston. Fuck Boston. None of that shall cross our threshold.”

There it is. “You’re a good dad, Jack. I was right about that.”

“Thanks, Rhett.”

“See you back home.” He’s heading to the plane with the team. I’m meeting with my father first.

Outside, a black SUV pulls up and the door opens. “Get in, Rhett.”

Father’s in the backseat. His security team is up front, one driving, one in the passenger seat. A wave of intuition flares. Something’s off. I shouldn’t get in.

“Get in, Rhett,” he repeats.

It’s busy. Cars are behind his vehicle, trying to get by. The annoyance bleeding off his face does things to me. Will I ever be able to shoulder his disappointment? I don’t even see it often. Well, I didn’t used to. Lately, the disappointed version is all I’ve gotten.

We have to sort this out. If I can just get him to believe me, I know he’ll see reason. He wants me to be happy, doesn’t he? I’m happiest with Logan.

Slinging my bag onto the floor of the vehicle, I climb inside, pulling the door closed with a solid slam.

“Hello, firstborn.”

I clear my throat. “Hello, Father. Still acknowledging me as that?”

“Of course. We’re going to fix this. We always do.”

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