Page 57 of Sinful Corruption

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“And by sassy,” Felix counters, “he means she’s got a mean streak a mile wide. She looks kinda innocent and shit, but she’s got spine enough to be his someday. She’ll stand up under that pressure.”

“She’s totally a virgin, right?”

Stunned, I swing my eyes to Cato’s and throw my hand out to hammer-fist the side of his thigh. “Excuse you! That is absolutely none of your business! Andwildlyinappropriate.”

“What?” He rubs his thigh. “No way she’s taking other dudes to bed. No fucking chance.”

“It doesn’t matter what she does or doesn’t do. It’s not for you to discuss.”

“She’s liked him a while?” Felix asks calmly. Odd, since he’s typically the most feral brother. “Years?”

“Since she was old enough to walk into a bar and order a drink.” I drag my focus back to the television, scowling as I study her ashy-blonde hair and the pretty pink highlights illuminated by flashing cameras. “She’s been into him since long before I moved to Copeland.”

“She’s totally a virgin, then.” He brings his wine up as I turn and snarl. “She saw what she wanted, and she’s not fucking around on the side. You don’t catch sight of Timothy Malone, fall in love, consider whatthatwould be like, then choose someone else. No chance.”

“She’s a twenty-seven-year-old professional doctor who has an apartment in the middle of a busy city. I’m sure she has…” I gulp, not so certain now. “Experience.”

“Nope.” Micah tips his chin toward the TV,almostsmirking when her eyes shift to the left every few seconds. “Bet you seven fingers and two thumbs that he’s standing where she sees him now. She’s twenty-seven and been in love with him since she was twenty-one?” He drags Tiia closer as soon as she enters the room, wrapping his arm across her back and slipping his hand into her pocket. “If she’s not a virgin, then she may as well be after six years waiting for him to take her to bed.”

“How about we simply stop talking about my employee’s sex life?” I snatch the television remote and search for the volume button. “She’s not here to defend herself. She’s working right now, and I’m her boss. Thatmakes this sexual harassment in the workplace. Whatever she and Tim do or don’t do, or may or may not do in the future, is none of our business.”

“She’s totally a virgin,” Cato giggles. “But Archer’s about to talk. Shush.”

“You shush! You were the one talking.” Growling, I turn the volume up and watch on, gripped with nerves as Aubree finishes and they switch places. Awkward shuffles and bumping bodies. Aubree passes her note cards to him, as though he might need them, then takes them back again when she realizes they’re useless.

It would almost be comical how they shift and shove and move. More so, when Timothy Malone literally crosses into camera range, grabs her hand, and keeps walking.

“See.” Micah shakes his head with long, slow sweeps. “He’s shameless.”

“He’s moving her.” I swallow the dread lodged in my throat and reposition my hands. It’s not prayer. It’s… well… prayer. “Archer’s about to do something monumentally stupid, and he told Tim about it in advance.”

“Tim’s clearing her out,” Felix rumbles. “But Arch is still there. Doesn’t bode well.”

“Mayor is there too,” I murmur. “And Fletch and Fifi. I take comfort knowing Fletch is allowing Fifi to stay in range, and that the whole freakin’ city is allowing Lawrence to be there. Can’t be that dangerous…”Right?

“What’s up with you and the mayor, anyway?” Micah’s eyes warm the side of my face. “He got a thing for you?”

“No. Shush.”

“I’m Detective Archer Malone.” He jerks a thumb to his left. “My partner, Detective Charlie Fletcher. We’re the primary investigators on Detectives Mercer, Wright, and Haightman’s murders and wish to thank you all for coming out tonight.”

“Do you have a suspect?” Miranda tries again, earning a scowl and a tightened jaw as Archer’s eyes swing across to the bimbo in bottle-blonde. “Who did this? And if you have a suspect in mind, what do you intend to do about it? Copeland citizens feel safebecausethe police are out, day and night, protecting them. But if there’s a killer on our streets tonight, one who chooses to eliminate those meant to protect us, then what hope do we have?”

“That was a lot of questions. Stupid bitch.”

“Tell us how you really feel,” Felix chuckles. “She sleep with your husband or something?”

Rage-filled, I rotate my head and pin the asshole with a glare that answers his questions without a single word crossing my lips.

“Oh…” His smile curls. “I see.”


“We wish to assure the public that we’re working diligently to bring this killing spree to an end,” Archer finally answers. Cameras flash, lighting his face and illuminating the million tiny scars he’s accumulated over the years. Most of them, I’m certain, he received at the hands of his father. The glint of his chain flickers from behind the collar of his shirt. The circle of his ring, pressed to his chest as he hides it away from the public, but wears it against his heart for me. “Detectives Wright, Mercer, and Haightman were killed senselessly, violently, and for no reason except that they were good at their jobs. We will not let this go on.”

“Who is safe, Archer?” Miranda pushes, pushes, pushes, demanding her place on prime-time news. Worse, in my mind, is her easy use of his name when she should use the rank he earned. “This killer is clearly without scruples. And yet, you seem entirely unaffected.”

“Would you prefer to see us running around? Disorganized. Useless, but making noise?”

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