Page 27 of Sinful Corruption

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“That’s a horrifying thought,”don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, “but not nearly as horrifying as if I were to get home toyourbody on my slab. There are only two things I can’t live without Archer. You, and Factor. That’s my entire list. And the latter, I can go a few days before things turn dire. Losingyou…” I shake my head, hating that my eyes burn. That tears itch the backs and make me out to be a fool. “It’s non-negotiable.”

“It’s gonna have to be something we get through.” He abandons my wrist and cups the back of my head instead. Pulling me in until we rest forehead to forehead. “I’m not gonna get shot. And you’re not in a position where you should piss a judge off and risk arrest. We’d like to keep the heatoffyou if you don’t mind. It wouldn’t look good for a cop to visit his incarcerated wife for conjugals.”

“You’re making it a joke!” Sniffling, I break his hold and stare into hisperfect emerald eyes. “We got marriedtwice, Archer. Both times, you swore you would stay by my side, no matter what.”

Pained, his eyes flicker between mine as hurt shines in both. “You’re asking me to choose you over my best friend.”

“I’m asking you to choose life over death! Can’t you put the case on hold? Pack Fletch and Mia onto a different plane and send them on vacation for a few days? I’ll be testifying for a day, two at the most. Then we’ll be back and you can get on with the job.”

“And what, exactly, makes your presence in Copeland City my saving grace here? If I’m gonna be shot, it’ll happen whether you’re six minutes away or six hours away. Your geographical status changes nothing.”

“So forfeit the case! Give it to someone else and walk away. This one is too dangerous.”

“You mean like that time I begged you to let the Fentone thing go?” He hits me, over and over, with logic and hypocrisy—my own, that is. “Dude is six feet and two-hundred and fifty pounds of nasty. I asked you to walk away, because the idea of you being dead was way worse than the idea of letting a killer walk free. But you wouldn’t let it slide.”

“That’s not fair!”

“No. It’s not. And neither is this.” He drags me in and presses a gentle kiss to my lips. And only when he does, do I realize they quiver. “Life is rarely fair. Fuck knows, we’re both reminded of that every single time we come to work.”

“I don’t want to leave you.”

“And I’d rather you were in New York right now, anyway. It’s safer there, Minnnka. For as long as you’re safe, I can concentrate. And for as long as I can concentrate, my chance of being shot by some trigger-happy motherfucker significantly lowers.”


“Be in New York.” Another kiss. “Do your thing. You possess the key that’ll lock that other asshole in prison, so go there and do that. By the time you get back, I’ll have tied this case up, my conscience will be clear because I had Fletch’s back, and everything will go back to normal.”

“You underestimate me when I tell you I cannot physically?—”

He grins, setting the pad of his thumb on the center of my chin. “You underestimate my ability to procure sleeping pills that’ll keep you out for the whole flight. I’ll drop one in your breakfast tomorrow, carry you to the plane, and I’ll have Felix waiting on the other end.” He smirks when my eyesnarrow to slits. “Not admirable,” he concedes. “But a choice I’m willing to make.”

“Donothave Felix waiting for me anywhere.” Defeated, because just as I know Ihaveto be in New York on Thursday, I’m just as aware that Archer won’t leave his best friend behind simply because I said he had to. “I’m staying at that suite Cato booked. It’s a few blocks from the courthouse, and I’ll order in for each night I’m there. Except for a few lawyers and a jury of twelve, I expect to speak to no one.”

“An arrangement I can accept.” One last kiss, then he releases me so he can straighten his back. “And even though you didn’t ask yet, I promise to text you often. Updates as proof of life.”

“Even if I don’t respond, because I’m in court or whatever, I want the texts stacked up and waiting for me.”

“Fine.” He casts a quick glance the other way, sending Aubree and Fletch spinning when they realize they’ve been caught. Then smiling, he brings his focus back to me. “Aubree can run the bodies while you’re gone. She’ll keep you in the loop for those moments I’m busy.”

“Don’t be too busy to text me your damn self.”

He chuckles, his chest and shoulders bouncing subtly. “She can text you updatesin additionto those I send. And you can send me updates, since I feel like this case is overshadowing the fact that I’m not fucking pleased you’re crossing the country without me. In other circumstances, this would be an issue, Mayet.”

“I’m probably gonna hook up with an old boyfriend while I’m there.”Not. “Ya know, rekindle those flames. If you want to stop me…”

“Be there?” He taps my chin before moving away from the desk, meandering across my office in search of sunlight filtering through my windows. “Good try, but I’m not you,Mrs One to a Fuckin’ Hundred Jealousy Psycho. Rekindle any old thing while you’re there, and I’ll deal with it the Malone way once I have my perp behind bars.”

“You gonna kill me and bury me in Micah’s garden?”

He burns me with a stare and sends my heart galloping when his smile notches up, reminding meexactlywho he is beneath the cop. Before that, he was born and raised in the mafia. “I’ll bury your old flame, but not before I peel every ligament from his body and shove them down his throat. As for you…” He folds his arms, smug in who he is. “I’ll take you to bed and remind you who you belong to. By the time I’m done, you’ll recall exactly why you promised yourself to me.Twice.”

I roll my eyes, playfully dismissive. “You’re needy.”

“Only for you.” He lifts his focus and waves for the other two to join us now that the fight, which wasn’t truly a fight, has passed. “If I tie this up early, I might fly across and be in your room when you get back from court.”

“Do you promise?” I guess his words were intended as a threat, but my heart clings to them the way one would a buoy in stormy seas. My desperation shining in my gaze. “If you find a chance to get out, you promise to come to me?”

“Sure.” He drops his smirk and gifts me with a genuine, adoring smile. “I promise.”

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