Page 49 of Not Until Her

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Things move fast, and the world rushes by as I’m being pulled inside of her apartment. There are exclamation points dancing around in my head, things I’dnormallythink at a time like this.

I’ve never been inside, I should look around.

What will this place tell me about the woman I’m making out with?

More importantly, more prominently:I should not feel safe being here. She’s a stranger. I could end up on one of those true crime podcasts I like listening to so much.

But all of it gets brushed aside when she grabs my breast, and squeezes like she’s trying to memorize the feel of it. It’s the one thing she’s done that isn’t bruising, and it takes my breath away. I’d offer to take some of my clothes off, to give her better access, but I’m obviously not the leader here. I’m just enjoying the ride, tasting her tongue like it’s candy. Shedoestaste like candy–like a creamsicle more specifically.

How am I supposed to stop?

She gives me that answer pretty instantly when she pulls back to look into my eyes. I feel a deep satisfaction that I’m the reason for her current appearance. Flushed cheeks, and a quickly rising chest.

“That’s enough,” she says breathlessly.

I take a step back and put even more space between us. Not knowing my surroundings, itof courseleads to me knocking into the corner of a side table. A chunky candle goes falling to the ground, and I brace for the sound of the glass shattering. It never comes, thanks to the dark, plush rug she has on the floor. I pick it up and put it back in its place.

“Sorry. Yeah. Okay.” My words are punctuated by my own attempt to catch my breath.

I watch as she fixes her hair, flatting the top with her palms, and running her fingers through the length of it. It’s hard to gauge her reasoning like this, all I want to do is stare at those swollen lips until they’re on mine again.

“I’m sorry if I–” If I what? I don’t know, I can’t think.

I loved every second of it, but something a lot like guilt is settling in the pit of my stomach.

“Nope, it’s okay.” She turns away from me suddenly. “Let yourself out.”

I don’t get to respond before she’s down the hall and walking through a door. Despite not knowing where the door leads, I’m momentarily tempted to follow after her. I can’t explain why, it’s not like she’s someone I care about. I don’t even know her.

I don’t even know hername.

And I have no idea what just happened. At least the part after the incredible make out. The before and during will be on replay in my mind for a while.

Holycrap, that was hot.

I look around, hating the barrage of thoughts in my head. It’s like the spirit has left my body, and I’m back in control, getting used to thinking my own thoughts.

Why would she kiss meagain? Why would she want to stop so suddenly? I can only worry she wasn’t as into it as I was. The thought crosses my mind that maybe I’m not a very good kisser, not that I’ve ever had any complaints.

I don’t know, something tells me she was very into it. That feeling between us, that physical chemistryhadto be felt in both parties.

Although, I have been delusionally sure of things like that in the past. I make it way too easy for people to hurt me when I sit here and convince myself I know what’s going on.

What if she’s in a relationship?The thought pops up so suddenly that it startles me.

It would explain why she’s gone some nights.

Shit. As if life wasn’t uncomfortable enough when she first moved in, this could get way worse. I knew it wasn’t generally a good idea to get involved with your neighbor, considering you can’t escape them.

And my neighbor in particular knows just how to make my life miserable.

My poor parents are going to be so sick of me when I move in. Their kitchen theme is all rustic, beige and brown, and everything of mine is the brightest yellow. It’ll clash so bad, but I won’t submit my cute kitchen towels to months of being stuffed in a storage tub in their garage. They deserve better.

Easily enough, my old bed is still there.

I do as she asked, only guessing which door is the front one becausethat’show disoriented I am. I don’t know how far we moved or what direction we turned, but I make my best guess. I doubt I’ll get a warm response if she comes back in here to find I’m lingering like a bad smell. Not that anything she does is ever warm.

Except for when she’s sucking on my neck. Her lips are very warm.

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