Page 31 of Not Until Her

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I thought she was pretty that day at the ice cream shop, but seeing her up close like this changes everything. She’sunreal.Every small detail from the curl of her lashes to the shape of her nose is perfect. I’d think she was some kind of angel sent here just for me if she hadn’t been making my life a living hell lately.

“No, I’m pretty sure I’m right,” I mumble.

“Really makes no difference to me what you believe.”

This time when she moves away from me, it’s a couple of side steps that bring her closer to her front door.

“Wait, stop.” I frown, not sure why I want to be in her presence. I must be a masochist. “You’re just going to go inside?”

She scoffs like I’m unbelievable.

I am. It’s fair. I asked her to talk, and I should take the hint that was her ignoring it.

“Um, yeah. Usually that’s the first thing I do when I get home.”

I take another step closer to her, and then stop when I notice her actuallywinceat the fact that there’s nowhere for her to escape to.

“You’ve livedrightthere for three weeks and this is the first time we’re seeing each other. I feel like it’s a bigger deal than you’re making it out to be,” I say.

“I think it’s a much smaller deal than you’re making it out to be.”

“I know you’ve had to be curious about me,” I tell her.

She pauses before answering, probably wishing she didn’t have to.

“I really haven’t,” she finally answers. “You seem rather irritating, and I was hoping to avoid you a lot longer thanthis.”

I shouldn’t be surprised by her words, but I am. And they hurt. They dig under my skin for a reason I can’t explain, and sting like salt on a wound.

“I don’t think you mean that. You don’t even know me. I’m a delight.”

She laughs, but there’s no amusement in the sound.

“Whatever you say.”

“I’m serious. I’m a damn ray of sunshine.”

Pun intended, but she doesn’t know that. I give my parents some mental points for coming up with that one, because it’s good. Classic.

Her presence distracted me long enough that I forgot about the mosquitos trying to attack my ankles. I’m only reminded by the tickling sensation of them landing on me now, and I benddown to swat them away. I should’ve known better, this is the entire reason I own so many pairs of thick, fuzzy socks. They’re my version of battle armor, and I walked right into this fight half naked.

“Well,sunshine, I'm done with this little… chat.”

By the time I can think to ask what her problem is, I look up to see her gone, and her front door slams behind her.

I should feel a lot of things, but I wasn’t expecting to feel so let down.

I like the hair.

I read the small sentence again. And again.

And again.

Can you say whiplash?

She blared her music all night again, so I barely slept. And she was so mean last night, wasn’t she? I don’t think I imagined it. I’m not in the habit of getting my feelings hurt so easily, but our interaction is somewhat of a blur. Most of what I remember is just herface.I can’tstopremembering her face, even when I try really hard to distract myself with other things.

I pulled out the yarn today. I even got a couple of rows done on Vic’s headband. I don’t know how the hell that happened, but it was therapeutic. Maybe I just haven’t truly needed to keep my hands and mind busy until now.

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