Page 9 of Years Between You

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I would be lying if I said I didn’t find my run in with Miles romantic. It was a dream, the kind of meet-cute a really good romance novel would start out with. If this happened a couple years ago, I might be all over it. I might be acting before thinking, but now I’m trying my hardest tostopthinking about it.

This isn’t my story. I don’t get to fall for the guy and have everything work out, because this iswaymore complicated than that. There are some pretty big factors here, like the fact that he’s Justin’s brother, and wouldneverbe interested in me. This is the kind of story where the little girl has a crush, and the guy laughs it off if he ever finds out. Miles doesn’t get to find out.

I couldn’t imagine being shut down by him, the friend that never gave up on me. I’m still not planning on giving him the chance.

Hopefully I didn’t blow it with the drunk phone call, but he didn’t seem suspicious. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he seemed to enjoy talking to me. Not that we’ve talked in the few days since, which makes me doubt we’ll see each other again on purpose.

I’m already dreading the day that awkward run-in happens.

I’ve never been good at night time routines, but I really want to be. I know from the rare times I have been successful, that it helps me destress after the long days. I fall asleep without all of the overthinking when I get to wind down with a bath and some soothing skin care.

I have a mental checklist that I’ve been trying to follow for a few weeks, but things keep getting in the way. Reya’s daughter will FaceTime me, or my cat will have an accident on the carpet.A lot of the time I’ll have an idea for my book that I have to start typing that very second before I forget it.

Tonight, however, I’m fully prepared to follow it step by step, and I start by scattering floral scented salt and soap in the bathtub. I don’t even wait for it to be done filling up, the calming scents calling to me. It works wonders for the first few seconds, and I feel my muscles relax for the first time in days.

Then my phone rings.

I roll my eyes, already frustrated with whoever decided to have such terrible timing. This is supposed to be my time, but I should have known better than to set my phone within arms reach. There are only two people that ever call me, so I don’t even bother to look at the caller ID when I pick it up. I greet them in the most annoyed tone possible, one that lets them know right away that they’re interrupting something. My girl’s aren’t the type to take it personally, they’ll dish the attitude right back.

“Uh, hi.”

I sit up with a small splash. Whoever it is, they are definitely taking my tone personally.

“Sorry, is this a bad time?”

I pull my phone away from my ear to check, but it’s a random number. Not saved in my contacts. “Who is this?”

“Miles?” He says it like a question.

Shit.I had forgotten he existed for a few minutes. I had also forgotten to save him in my contacts the other day, so now I look like a total ass.

I sit up even straighter.

“Oh wow, I’m sorry! Hi! That was so rude of me.”

But why are you calling me?

“No, that’s okay. I should’ve texted you. I can let you go if you’re busy.” He sounds about as awkward as I feel.

I can’t explain why I don’t want him to hang up, considering that fact, but I really don’t. He’s piqued my interest enough that my frustration over the interruption is gone.

“Don’t worry about it, I have a minute. What's up?”

He hesitates, and I wait a few long seconds. So long that I’m almost concerned he’s not there anymore. I would have heard those beeps that indicate the call ended, wouldn’t I? But then he clears his throat, and my grip on my phone eases. I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding it so tightly.

“I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out or something? Catch up,” he clarifies.


Usually my doubt is just an intrusive thought, but that one slipped out.

“Yeah, really.”

“I’d love to,” I say quickly. A small alarm goes off in my mind, telling me I shouldn’t seem so eager. That it might make him change his mind.

Shut up, Autumn. Who hurt you?

I ignore the answer that pops up in my mind.

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