Page 10 of Years Between You

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“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asks. “I have a shorter work day, we could get dinner.”

Short notice on anything usually makes me panic, but my reaction now is different and unfamiliar. Most of the time when someone wants to catch up, it’s followed up with months of messages about things coming up, life being busy, having to reschedule for… never.

It never happens.

I’m relieved there are no such hoops to jump through here. I want to see him.

I snap my fingers as if he could see or hear it.

“Oh no, I actually have plans with a bottle of wine and a good book tomorrow night.”

They’re plans I rarely cancel, despite my joking.

“Can you ask them to reschedule? I don’t get a lot of nights off, I’m sure they’ll understand.”

I sigh loudly. “They can be a bit volatile, but I’ll see what I can do.”

The sound of his chuckle on the other end sends a shiver down my spine.

“Anywhere in particular you want to go?”

There’s a smile in his voice, and it puts one on my own face. I know he’s not intentionally charming me, but I am definitely feeling charmed.

I have to pause for a second, watching the bubbles in my bath twinkle with every minuscule pop before I have to ask a dumb question. My heart pounds a little harder.

“At the risk of sounding like an idiot, you’re not asking me…” I can’t finish the sentence, because the idea of Miles wanting anything to do with me as more than friends is absurd. Eventhatin itself is a bit unbelievable to me. I’m just in uncharted territory here. Miles and I don’t know each other at all anymore. I know that logically, morally speaking, he’d never ask me on a date. Not only because of Justin, although that reason is a big one, but because he probably still sees me as an immature teenager. “Like, it’s not…”

“A date?” He laughs.

My cheeks suddenly feel warmer than my bath water and I wish I hadn’t bothered. Now we both know how absurd I am.

I fumble, trying to think up a denial, or a joke, but nothing comes to me.

He continues before I can respond. “No. Just two friends. Catching up. Over dinner. That’s not weird, is it?”

I don’t know what qualifies as weird anymore, but I shake my head, aware he can’t see it.

“Not at all. That sounds great. You can just tell me when and where, and I’ll be there.”

We go over details, and it’s surprisingly easy. I almost feel like I’m waiting for someone to jump out and tell me I’m being pranked. It’s hard to believe he wasn’t just saying what I wanted to hear when we bumped into each other that day.

Long after the call ends and all of the bubbles in my bath have popped, I can’t stop my racing mind. I never thought Miles would be in my life again.

So much for unwinding before bed.



The restaurant is one I’ve been to before, which eases my nerves the slightest amount. A small, locally owned Italian place with vibrant decor and comfortable booths. Vic had a phase where she made us eat here at least once a week, and by the time it was over I thought I’d never want to see another piece of garlic bread as long as I lived.

It’s about a year later, and my mouth is currently watering over the thought of it.

Overthinking situations is what I do best, which leaves me sitting in my car staring at the front entrance of Capria’s Kitchen. What if he isn’t here? What if he isn’t coming? Worse– what if heishere? I’m reminded of a time where just the thought of this man would have my heart beating unevenly. It’s actually doing so right now, the years had me fooled into thinking that might change.

I shake the thoughts from my head, and see one option before me. I have to get a grip and get inside before I stress out about it anymore.

My keys catch on my emergency brake as I attempt to step out of my car, causing a slightly embarrassing scene where my ass lurches back into the seat it had just left.

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