Page 34 of Mourning Wings

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Ireach forRonnie’sface, cupping her cheeks.Herskin is warm under my fingertips, andIcan feel her breath hitch asIpull her closer.

“Camila,”Iwhisper, her name like a prayer on my lips.

Shedoesn’t say anything.Shejust looks at me with those same eyes that have always known me—truly known me—even before all this.

Mygaze wanders over her face, taking her in the wayIshould’ve done from the very start.Ronniehas changed so much, but now, with everything out in the open,Ican see the thread that connects the girlIonce knew to the woman in front of me.

Backthen, she had long, wild blonde curls tumbling past her shoulders in unruly waves.Iremember how they framed her face, making her seem ethereal.Shewas beautiful then, so beautiful that it almost hurt to look at her sometimes.

Now, she’s different.Short, black curls cling close to her neck, the sharpness of her new look matching the edge she has grown into.Herfeatures, once soft, are now bold.Tattoossnake up her arms and across her collarbone, intricate designs that tell storiesIdon’t yet know.

Butsomehow, she’s just as stunning—morestunning.Thewoman in front of me is fierce, powerful, owning every inch of who she is.Thechanges don’t hide her beauty; they amplify it.There’sa rawness to her now, a danger that wasn’t there before, but it’s beautiful.She’sbeautiful.

Ireach out, tracing the ink on her arm. “You’vechanged,”Imurmur, not as an accusation but as an acknowledgment.

Shegives me a half-smile, one corner of her mouth tugging up. “Weboth have,” she says softly, her hand covering mine, pressing my palm to her tattooed skin. “Butyou know what?Ithink you were there with every version of me, guiding me back.Icouldn’t be whoIam now without you.”

Herwords send a shiver down my spine, andIfeel that same familiar pull, stronger now than ever.She’sright.Nomatter how much has changed, she’s stillCamila.She’sstillmine.I’mstill hers.

Hergaze flicks down to my mouth, and suddenly, the air between us is thick and charged.Idon’t even think about it;Ilean in, crashing my lips against hers.

Thesecond we touch, everything inside me ignites.Herlips are soft but urgent, moving against mine in a way that makes my entire body hum with energy.Ican’t stop.Idon’twantto stop.I’vebeen waiting for this moment for so long, and now that it’s here,I’mterrified to let it slip away.

Ipull her closer, my fingers tangling in her hair, and she responds just as fiercely, her hands gripping my waist as she kisses me harder, deeper.It’slike we’re trying to make up for all the lost time, for every second we didn’t know each other, everymoment we were apart.Ican feel her wild heartbeat against my chest, matching mine.

Thekiss turns desperate, needy.Myfingers glide down her neck, across her shoulders, andIfeel her hands slipping under my shirt.Hertouch sends shivers down my spine, andIcan’t get enough of it.Ineed more.

Ilet out a gasp as she pulls me onto her lap, her hands exploring my body like it’s the first time, but also like she has always known exactly where to touch, exactly how to make me come alive.Myskin is burning, and allIcan think about is how muchI’vemissed her, how muchIwant her right now.

Webreak the kiss for a moment, panting, our foreheads pressed together, but the moment is short-lived.Ronnie’sfingers are already at the hem of my shirt, tugging it up.Ihelp her, lifting it over my head, and then her hands are on me again, skin on skin, and it’selectric.

“Valeria,” she groans.

Thelook in her eyes says everything.Shewants this badly too.Shepulls me closer, her lips finding mine again, and suddenly, our hands are everywhere—on skin, in hair, tugging and ripping at the fabric between us as if it’s the only thing keeping us from each other.

Islide my hands under her shirt, cupping her breasts, and they feel perfect in my hands.Shegasps against my lips asIpull on her nipple.

Ronnie’slips trace a slow path down my jawline, and when she reaches my neck, her teeth sink in sharply.Igasp, a mix of pain and pleasure sparking through me, but beforeIcan protest, her tongue glides over the mark, soothing the sting and sending shivers across my skin.Herkisses trail lower, across my collarbone, down my chest.Whenher mouth closes over my breast, a jolt of electricity shoots straight to my core, leaving me breathless.

“Ineed you.Now,”Iwhisper, my hands fumbling clumsily with the buttons on her pants.

Clothesfall to the floor in a tangled mess, andRonniepulls me onto the bed, her body pressing into mine.

“God,Valeria,” she breathes, her voice thick with desire. “HowcouldIhave ever forgotten you?You’reperfect.EverythingI’veever needed.Justlike this.Bare.Underme.Completelymine.”

Shestraddles me, her thigh pressing between my legs as she lowers herself just enough to kiss my nipples, teasing me with the soft scrape of her teeth.Herhips begin to move, grinding her slick center against my leg, and the feel of her arousal against my skin sends my own need spiraling.

“Please,Ronnie,”Iwhine, arching beneath her. “Letme taste you.I’vebeen dying for it since you made me come in the hallway.Please.”

Withouta word,Ronniemoves, positioning herself above me, her knees framing my head as she grants me exactly whatI’vebeen begging for.

Mytongue flicks against her, and she lets out a loud, throaty moan.God, she tastes like heaven—sweet and intoxicating.Igrip her thighs and pull her down onto my mouth, pressing her against me so she’s no longer hovering.Withher fully seated on my lips,Isuck her clit into my mouth, swirling my tongue with just the right pressure.Ronnie’ships begin to rock forward, riding my tongue asIwork her closer to the edge.

“OhmyGod,Val.Princesa,” she breathes, her voice thick with lust. “Nãopares.”Don’tstop.

Islip a hand between her legs from behind, teasing her entrance with my fingers.Shegasps, a breathy mewl escaping her asIslide two fingers inside her. “Comefor me,”Imurmur against her skin. “Makea mess of my face.”

I’mso turned on,Ican’t resist.Myother hand slips between my own legs, fingers finding my clit.Ispread my thighs wide and gather some of my own wetness, circling the sensitive nub with just the right touch.Itfeels so good,Ican’t help but moan againstRonnie’spussy, the vibrations sending her even higher.

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