Page 13 of Mourning Wings

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Afterweeks of digging through every corner of the internet,Ifinally got in touch with someone who might have answers.Isabel’seyes widen whenImention thatIhad to go into the dark web to find them.

“Valeria, are you serious?”Isabel’sshock is palpable.

Inod. “Ididn’t have a choice.Ineeded to dig deeper to get more information.Plus, the guyIspoke to was in an anonymous forum about mysterious disappearances of women inEbonridge.”

Itell her about the guy’s cryptic message, how he mentioned a wealthy family named theWhitmores.Hedescribed them as predators who look for young women, pretending to be saviors.Hewouldn’t say much more, only that he could connect me with someone who might help.

Dayspassed beforeIheard from anyone, and during that time,Istarted looking into theWhitmores.Assoon asIsaw their photo in an article,Irecognized them—they were the couple who tookCamilaaway.They’reolder now, but they still have that same allure.

Isabellistens intently, her brow furrowed asIdescribe whatIfound.

“Yesterday,Igot a message from someone namedRachel.Shesaid she was part of a group that helps women, and whenIbrought up theWhitmores, she nearly flipped.They’vebeen investigating the family because of a series of murders around their estate.That’swhenIstarted thinking—maybeCamila’sdisappearance wasn’t just a disappearance.Maybeit was a murder.”

Isabelgasps. “Doyou really think they killed her?”

Ishrug. “Whoknows.Butif one thing’s clear,Ebonridgeisn’t what it seems.Ithas its problems, sure, nothing out of the ordinary, but there’s something darker here.Everyonehas a secret, and the more you dig, the more you realize how twisted it all really is.”

Mybest friend shudders at my words. “So, what didRachelsay?”

“Igave her all the informationIhad onCamila, hoping she could help, but—”JustasI’mexplaining this toIsabel, my phone buzzes.Speakof the devil.It’sa message fromRachel.Myheart pounds asIread it out loud.

“Camilawas adopted by theWhitmores,”Isay, my voice shaking. “Butshe disappeared right before she turned nineteen.Theypronounced her dead after they supposedly found her body on the property, but there’s no trace of her death anywhere.TheWhitmoresconcealed everything—they even had her body cremated.Noautopsy.Theydidn’t even suggest foul play.”

Theworld tilts beneath my feet, andI’mfree-falling.Ican’t get a full breath in no matter how hardItry.Camila…dead?Mybrain can’t wrap around the words.It’sas if they’re not real, as if this is some cruel joke that will unravel at any moment.Myfingers tremble asIrereadRachel’smessage, the words blurring in front of my eyes.

Myhands are shaking so much,Ican barely control them.Mypulse roars in my ears.She’sgone.Camila’sgone.Ipress my hand to my mouth, feeling bile rise in my throat.


Iclutch at my chest, as ifIcan stop the ache, but it doesn’t work.

Ifeel a hand on my back, andIflinch at first.Then,IhearIsabel’svoice, “Val,I’mso sorry.”

Mybreath hitches as a sob escapes my throat.Isqueeze my eyes shut, pressing the heels of my hands into them, but it doesn’t stop the flood.

Ican’t even respond; the tears are coming too hard.Myentire body trembles, andIfeelIsabelsit next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.Shepulls me in close, andIcollapse into her, burying my face in her shirt.

“Itdoesn’t make any sense,”Ichoke out.

“Iknow,”Isabelagrees. “Something’soff.”

Isniff and wipe my face with the back of my hand.

“I’mgoing to find out what really happened.I’mgoing to investigate it myself.”Myhands clutch the phone tighter, as if somehow that will keep the last few pieces of my world together.

Isabeldoesn’t hesitate. “I’mwith you,Val.Whateverit takes.”




EarthtoValeria,”DetectiveNathanielBennettsays as we wait in line for our drinks at the coffee shop.

Ibarely slept last night.I’vebarely slept for the past three nights.

Eversince theHalloweenparty, my mind’s been a tangled mess, caught up in two things that just won’t let me rest: the screensIdiscovered in the basement andher, the mysterious woman whose chain is wrapped around my neck.

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