Page 49 of My Alien Jewel

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“Of course!”

Maneuvering Z’Ree into an unoccupied corner, I carefully lower her onto the mattress. “Thank you,” she mumbles, then yawns. “I am a little tired.”

She’s still wet from the decontamination shower and smells of sour chemicals, but I don’t care. Pulling her into my lap, I start cradling her like a baby. “Sleep all you want, my precious jewel. I’ll be here if you need anything.”

“Mmm.” She snuggles into my chest.

Smiling, Astra throws a blanket over both of us and leaves some food and water within reach. I settle comfortably against the wall, knowing it’s going to be a while before we can go anywhere. That is, if all goes well. If it doesn’t…we’ll probably all die in this room.

Not wanting to think about it, I focus on the woman in my arms instead. Z’Ree’s cold fingers instinctively seek out heat by touching my bare stomach, an action that nearly has me squealing like a little girl. Her scent gently floats around me, weaving its way through the cloud of chemicals otherwise surrounding her. Lastly, I focus on Z’Ree’s wildly beating heart, silently encouraging it to join with mine and become a singular steady beat, just like the unidentified thrumming already synchronized in both of our bodies.

Z’Ree falls asleep within seconds. I don’t like knowing that the most likely reason is not the excessive exercise she endured. Sure, spacewalks are taxing, especially with the added stress, but I’m pretty sure her exhaustion is a side effect of the radiation she absorbed. I can’t help but worry about other potential consequences.

“Alright everyone,” D’Aakh says as he finally joins us, looking even more exhausted than Z’Ree. Realizing that both Ellen and Z’Ree are sleeping, he lowers his voice. “Everything is ready. Is everyone here?”

Zarkan’s gaze sweeps over the group, as if he hasn’t been counting us over and over for the past five minutes. “Yes. Everyone is present.”

“Except for Cricket and his family,” Astra scowls.

D’Aakh barely suppresses a snarl. “You mean the fucking bugs that got us into this situation? I don’t give a shit about them.”

I’m with him on this. Intentionally or not, those bugs nearly killed us all. I’m done caring about their well-being. “Is the electricity going to kill them?”

“Sadly, no,” D’Aakh retorts with a sneer. “It will be coursing through the upper level corridors only. The maintenance walkways should be somewhat shielded. Of course, there might be other malfunctions, so there’s no way to tell if they’ll survive.”

Astra grunts. “You don’t seem too concerned about them.”

“Because I’m not. I’m ready to engage the engines. Captain?”

After once again confirming we’re all here, Zarkan nods. “Go ahead.”

D’Aakh hesitates with the finger above the datapad. “If we all die,” he says, eyeing his former squad mates, “well, it’s been nice serving with you.”

“Oh, shut up.” Lyriana rolls her eyes. “Just push the fucking button.”

D’Aakh does. After what feels like an hour but was really only a second, the ship rumbles to life. The main lights come on, then die again. There’s some metallic creaking and groaning before an ominous crackling can be heard through the door.

D’Aakh hums to himself as he studies his datapad. “Hmm. Alright. Good. Looks good. Z’Ree’s patch is holding. The engines are online, albeit not at full power but at least they won’t overheat. Now I just need to manually set the course for the hyperdrive.”

“Can’t Cai do it?” Zarkan asks. “Cai?”

His question is met with silence. D’Aakh gives a solemn headshake. “Cai is down.”

“What?!” Nala whisper-yells. Ellen stirs in her arms but doesn’t wake up. “You killed Cai?!”

“Cai is a computer program. She can’t be killed. She isn’t even a ‘she’, but if you want to call her that, fine. I did this to protect her. I disconnected her prior to restarting the engines, and I sealed her mainframe off from the rest of the ship. We can reboot her once we arrive at the Alevvo mining station. Hopefully.”


D’Aakh growls. “Seriously?! Are we going to argue over saving bugs and AIs when we’re likely all about to die?! I did what I could. It was her idea, if that’s what you’re worried about. Now, will you let me work in peace, or do we need to argue about saving other inanimate objects? Perhaps some potted plants or Omni’s warpberry fritters?!”

“No need,” Omni grins, patting the box of sweets beside him. “Got them all right here. And no, I’m not sharing.”

“Alright, that’s enough,” Zarkan interjects. “We’ll be locked in here together for several hours, if not days, so let’s all take a deep breath in and try to be amicable. D’Aakh, you go ahead with whatever you need to do to get us out of here.”

Everyone quiets down. Nala leans against Faelin and pulls Ellen into her chest. Tareq and Astra are cuddling and whispering to each other. I wonder if she told him about the pregnancy yet? It doesn’t seem so. He’d be freaking out much worse than this if he knew.

Cradling her broken arm to her chest, Lyriana is trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Omni munches on his precious fritters. Zarkan is on his knees with his eyes closed, meditating or perhaps praying to whichever deity his people pray to. D’Aakh’s eyes are glued to his datapad.

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