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“What about the judge? You said you were trying to get a supernatural judge who could look for a reason to toss the charges out.” Her stomach ached thinking how things could go so badly.

“That hasn’t come through yet.” He spotted Della’s frown and held up his hand. “It still might happen. These kinds of things can take a while. Meanwhile, I spoke with Jerod this morning. He plans on picking up all of the files tomorrow and when he does he’s going to get us copies, as well as your dad’s lawyer, so we’ll know what your father is up against.”

Who was Burnett kidding? She already knew what her dad was up against. A murder charge. One that could put him away for life, or worse. Texas was big on the death penalty. Della’s heart thumped in fear just thinking about it.

“Do we have a date yet? For the trial?”

“No, but Jerod said that the word is that the DA’s office is pushing for it to be soon. We’ve got a few people working in the courts and we’re trying to make that happen.”

“Why soon?” Della asked, dreading seeing her dad go through this.

Burnett’s expression softened, as if what he had to say wouldn’t be so easy to take. “The less time they have to dig things up the better off we’ll be.”

“This can’t be easy for your dad,” Holiday added. Hannah let out a sweet coo, so sweet it felt as if it didn’t belong anywhere near this conversation.

Della’s chest tightened with the guilt for causing this. “You’re right.” She swallowed. “I heard him tell my mom he didn’t know how long he was going to be able to keep his job.”

“We’re going to do everything we can,” Holiday said. “You know that.”

Della nodded, but the thought clawing at her sanity was.… what if “everything” wasn’t enough?

* * *

The instant Chase and Baxter swung around, Steve came walking from the woods.

Confused, Chase cut his gaze up to the sky where the bird was still visible, then he looked back at the shape-shifter.

Steve wasn’t grinning, but his brown eyes held a hint of humor that royally chapped Chase’s ass.

“You thought that was me.” Now the shape-shifter smiled.

“Yeah, I did,” Chase said, certain his own expression didn’t come off so upbeat. “So it was a friend, huh?”

Their gazes met. Tension filled the early Sunday air. Chase inhaled and the guy’s scent filled his nose. The scent reminded him of Della because Chase had always smelt it on her when he first met her. Something he really preferred not to think about.

Steve looked skyward where the bird flew in circles. “Nope. Not as far as I know.” The guy’s heart rate didn’t indicate he was lying. “But he is now.” Steve smiled, showing no fear. Something Chase admired even when it stung.

Since he’d learned of this guy’s feelings for Della, he’d wanted to find things about Steve to dislike—things to discredit him in Della’s eyes.

But other than his flirtation with the daughter of the vet Steve worked for, Chase hadn’t been able to find any dirt on the guy. That made things harder, but it also spoke of Della’s choice in who she let into her life.

Chase swallowed his pride and decided to take the high road. “I guess I was wrong. Sorry.”

Steve glanced away for a second as if debating something. When he looked back he had determination written all over his expression. “That’s not the only thing you’re wrong about.”

Chapter Twelve

Afraid he knew where this was leading, Chase clenched his jaw so hard he was amazed his teeth didn’t crack. Don’t lose it. Don’t lose it.

“What else am I wrong about?” He breathed in through his nose, hoping the oxygen would help calm him.

“About me respecting that you and Della belong together.”

His eyes grew warm as they did when he started to change into vamp mode. “Careful,” he cautioned and gave himself the same warning. His gut said Burnett wasn’t making idle threats about kicking his butt out of Shadow Falls.

Steve shook his head, ignoring the warning, and that pissed Chase off more.

“You see, the only thing I have to respect is Della. Not you. And not what you think you two have. And personally, I think she’s capable and adamant enough to make her own decisions. And you, Mr. Tallman, need to wrap your head around that.”

Steve turned and walked away.

Chase gripped his fist so tight his hand ached. It wasn’t his head having a hard time accepting the guy’s words. It was his heart. But if Steve thought Chase was just going to roll over and give up, the shape-shifter had better think again.

* * *

Della remained in the chair across from Holiday’s desk. She wouldn’t—couldn’t—allow her father to go to jail. But how she was going to stop it was still a mystery.

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