Page 67 of How I Love You

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I wandered around, trying to find my way to the exit, relieved when I heard muffled voices. Laughter, even. I followed the encouraging sounds, weaving through the hallways until, at long last, I found the way out.

And there they were—all three of them.

Dakota, Phoebe, and Austin stood outside the old schoolhouse, casually munching on candy apples like they’d been there all day. They were huddled together by a booth in the parking lot, completely oblivious to the fact that I’d just risked life and limb—okay, that was a little dramatic—on a rescue mission through a haunted house.

I strolled up, still cradling the goat, and stared at them, my brows raised in disbelief. “Seriously?”

Dakota turned. “What took you so long?” she asked after a beat, her mouth full of a candy apple, standing there so casually it was almost as if she hadn’t just vanished into the fog.

My jaw clenched as I set Gertie down, her hooves tapping against the pavement. She seemed no worse for wear now that she was safely away from the horrors inside.

“What took me so long?” I repeated, glancing between them and the goat. “What took me so long is that I thought I was saving your life.”

Dakota blinked, her brow furrowing as she exchanged a confused glance with Phoebe. “Uh, from what?”

“From this.” I gestured to Gertie, who had now started nibbling on a piece of apple that’d fallen from Austin’s hand. “I heard a woman screaming for help, and naturally, I assumed it was you... Turns out, it wasthisdrama queen.”

My little brother burst out laughing, nearly dropping his candy apple for the goat to enjoy. “Wait, Gertie? You thought Dakota was Gertie?”

Phoebe doubled over, barely able to contain her giggles as Dakota’s confused expression morphed into an amused grin. “Wow, you seriously think I would sound like a goat if I needed help?”

I scowled at all of them, trying to maintain at least a little bit of dignity. “No—I don’t know. It was more that I thought the goat sounded like you... screaming for help.”

This only made Austin laugh harder, and even Dakota’s eyes started to glisten with unshed tears of amusement. She reached into the bag she was holding, pulling out a perfectly candied apple. “Well, hero, I guess you’ve earned this, huh?”

I took the apple from her, staring down at it like I wasn’t sure whether to be grateful or even more embarrassed. Gertie bleated again, sidling up next to me like she was expecting me to protect her from anything from now on.

Dakota stepped closer, her smile softening as she bumped me with her shoulder. “In all seriousness, I appreciate you comin’ after me, even if it did turn out to be... well, Gertie.”

I sighed, running a hand through my hair and glancing down at the apple. It did look good.

Austin wiped a tear from his eye, finally catching his breath. “I’m just imagining you sprinting through that haunted house, thinking Dakota’s in danger, and then just...Gertie.”

Phoebe grinned, finally regaining her composure. “So... did you carry her all the way out?”

“Of course I did,” I muttered, feeling the heat rise in my face. “What else was I supposed to do? Leave her there to scream her lungs out and scare some other unsuspecting fool?”

Dakota let out a soft laugh, shaking her head. “You know, for all your tough-guy talk, you’re really just a big softy, aren’t you?”

I shot her a look, half-serious. “Don’t push it.”

She grinned wider, stepping closer as she leaned in and whispered, “Admit it—you’re Gertie’s knight in shining armor now.”

I groaned, taking a bite of the apple she’d handed me, hoping the crunch would cover my frustration. “If you ever tell anyone about this, I’ll deny everything.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” she said with a wink. “This one’s just between us... and the entire town. These things have a way of gettin’ around no matter who promises to keep their lips zipped.”

Phoebe nodded eagerly, already pulling out her phone. “Look at the bright side: Gertie finally has a new nickname. It’s been a while.”

“Oh yeah? What’s the nickname?”

“Princess Gertie. Ya know, since you’re her knight in shining armor.”

I shot them all a glare, but it was no use. “You’re never gonna let me live this down, are you?” I muttered, taking another bite of the apple.

Dakota leaned up on her tiptoes, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek before stepping back with a grin. “Not a chance, hero.”

And just like that, the embarrassment faded, replaced by something warmer, deeper. Because honestly? I’d rescue goats all day long if it meant seeing her smile like that. Not that she was stingy with those smiles. In fact, I hadn’t been around any woman who smiled at me that much—or made me smile at all—in a very long time.

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