Page 48 of How I Love You

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“Y’all go on, we won’t be but a blink,” I said. Then I pulled Tucker aside, near the swing so we were out of earshot in case they lingered, and lowered my voice. "Why are you bein’ so weird about Austin goin’ to the gym with Travis? You wanted him to be somewhere safe and out of the way while we worked on the case, right?”

“There you go with all that ‘we’ stuff again,” he said dryly, crossing his arms over his chest, that typical gruff tone slipping back into place.

"I’m gonna ignore that," I replied, not willing to let him derail the conversation. "Don’t you think it’d be perfect for Austin to make a little cash while also stayin’ away from the case?"

His jaw tightened, and I could see something flicker in his eyes before he sighed, dropping his arms to his sides. "That’s not what I’m worried about," he muttered, his voice quieter this time, but just as tense.

I raised my eyebrows at him, waiting for more of an explanation. His silence only made me more curious.

He finally relented. "It’s just… I don’t want him to get attached."

"To the gym?"

He shook his head, looking at me like I was missing the point. "To any of it. Wildcard, you said youlovedhim."

"Well, I don’tlovehim, love him, if that’s what you’re worried about," I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

“Very funny. You know what I mean.”.

I wrinkled my nose, genuinely confused. "I kinda don’t, actually."

His gaze softened a fraction, but the frustration was still there. "Everyone here is so… warm. When they’re not being incredibly inappropriate or lacking boundaries, anyway.”

I tried not to smile at that, but it was hard to ignore the truth in his words. Charlotte Oaks folks did have a habit of getting all up in your business.

"Austin didn’t have anything like that growing up," Tucker went on, his voice lower now, more reflective. "Neither did I. But we’re different. I see it for what it is—a cultural difference, but not something we’re a part of. I’m afraid he’ll think all of this strangers-are-part-of-the-family stuff is real."

The words hit me like a slap, and I reared back. "Wait, hang on just a minute. Itisreal."

His jaw clenched, and I could see the battle going on behind his eyes, but he didn’t back down. "Maybe for you guys," he said, his voice careful now, like he was picking each word with precision, "but not for us. We don’t belong here, no matter how much sweet tea we drink or how many locals know our business."

The words stung, more than I wanted to admit. I crossed my arms over my chest, mirroring his stance. "Got it. Well, fine. If you wanna think the way we treat people around here is fake, just add it to the fake relationship business you already don’t approve of, and don’t let it hit ya on the butt on the way out. ’Kay?"

His eyes flared, and the easy, laid-back warmth in them suddenly turned into a full-on blaze. The bonfire I usually loved to lose myself in was now a wildfire, threatening to burn everything in its path. "Interesting," he said, his voice low and sharp.



"What?" I shot back, my teeth gritted.

I couldn’t believe this was happening—one minute, we were talking about Austin going to the gym, and now we were in the middle of what felt like a breakup conversation, even though we weren’t even together.

He opened his mouth, clearly ready to unleash whatever retort he had brewing, but before the words could leave his lips, Austin and Phoebe came bounding up to us with Gertie trotting behind them like the self-appointed guardian of the family.

I scoffed inwardly, watching as Tucker’s eyes narrowed at them. If he thought the easy, instant camaraderie between Austin and Phoebe was anything other than two kids passing each other’s vibe checks, he was even more delusional than I thought.

“What’s up, buttercups?” I asked, quickly pulling Phoebe into my side and giving her a little squeeze. I needed something to distract me from the tension still simmering between me and Tucker.

“The DIY Scarecrow Contest is about to start,” Phoebe announced, her voice filled with excitement. “It’s at the CornMaze. I told Austin about it, and he wants to go. Can we head over there after we eat?”

I smiled down at her, feeling the weight of Tucker’s glare raining down on me from somewhere on high. "What’d MeeMaw say?" I asked at the same time Tucker muttered, “We’ll probably head home.”

I sent him a look that I hoped would silently tell him to knock it off, then turned back to Phoebe, my smile genuine. "Even if these boys don’t come, I’ll take you if MeeMaw’s good with it."

“She is,” she said, though she didn’t look nearly as excited as she had before Tucker stomped on her plans.

"Sure y’all don’t wanna come?" I asked, aiming my question directly at Tucker, my voice as sweet as I could make it. "It’ll be fun. Definitely somethin’ a newly datin’ couple would do," I added with a pointed smile.

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