Page 47 of How I Love You

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Tucker, to his credit, stood his ground, offering a polite smile and extending his hand to each of the mommas. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Wilson."

"Call me Georgia, honey," she said after shaking his hand, then surprised the heck out of him by pulling him in for a quick, unexpected hug.

He looked mildly alarmed but patted her back awkwardly, shooting me a look over her shoulder.

Momma chuckled softly at Tucker’s discomfort, stepping forward to give me a hug. "How’s everything, baby?"

"Good, Momma," I replied, my voice muffled against her shoulder. “And this is Tucker’s little brother, Austin.”

The mommas greeted him, and just like with Tucker, Georgia went for the hug. Austin, however, didn’t look quite as appalled. In fact, he looked… pleased. Like it was something he wasn’t used to, but definitely could get used to, if given the chance.

My momma gave Tucker a small smile. "We’re glad to have you for dinner, Tucker. It’s nice to meet one of Dakota’s...friends."

There was a playful hint in her voice, and I could practically feel Tucker stiffen beside me.

Before he could respond, a blur of motion rushed toward us, and I looked down to see Phoebe bounding forward, her hair flying out behind her in a messy ponytail. "Dakota!" she squealed, throwing her arms around my waist.

"Hey, darlin’!" I hugged her back, my heart warming at the sight of her bright smile. "You been dancin’ up a storm, gettin’ ready for the Harvest Festival?"

She nodded vigorously. "Meemaw says I’m getting really good at my turns!"

"That’s not news. You’re always gettin’ better, baby girl," I said.

Phoebe’s gaze shifted to Tucker, and she blinked up at him with wide eyes. "Is this your boyfriend? He’s gigantic."

Tucker let out a strangled cough, clearly not expecting the question so soon. In fact, he looked so off-kilter I bet he couldn’teven come up with his usual pithy response about the height assessment. Poor thing.

I laughed, resting a hand on his arm. "Sure is. Don’t tell the rest of the town just yet, though. We don’t wanna cause a ruckus."

Phoebe’s eyes lit up with mischief, and I had no doubt she’d be telling everyone she could find the second we walked inside.

Mission accomplished.

Just then, Austin shifted on the porch behind us, looking a little nervous but holding his own. Phoebe, ever the social butterfly, immediately honed in on him. "Who’re you?"

Austin blinked, glancing from me to Tucker, who gave him an encouraging nod. "I’m Austin. Tucker’s brother."

Phoebe grinned, her energy bubbling over. "Cool. Do you like to draw?"

Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and flitted back into the house.

Austin watched, wide-eyed, before looking up at Tucker uncertainly.

“I’d follow her,” he said with a shrug.

And so, Austin did.

Georgia turned to Tucker with a knowing smile. "Austin looks like he could use a good distraction. Travis said he should come to the boxin’ gym sometime while you’re workin’ on your case. Even said he’d pay him if he wanted to help out around the locker rooms and such."

Tucker’s expression tightened at that. His eyes flicked to Austin through the open doorway before he crossed his arms over his chest. "I’m not sure that’s a good idea."

I raised an eyebrow, surprised at his response. "Why not? Travis is good with kids, and Austin could use a break from bein’ cooped up at the B&B thanks to all the runnin’ around you’ve been doin’.”

Tucker didn’t answer immediately, his jaw working as he seemed to weigh his words. There was something there, something he wasn’t saying, and it nagged at me.

“Well, think about it then,” Georgia said, her expression telling me she’d noticed the same thing.

“Let’s not let all the bought air out,” Momma drawled, attempting to usher us inside.

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