Page 22 of How I Love You

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The image that flashed through my mind was so ridiculous that I almost laughed.Almost.I could picture it—me, wielding an ax in one hand, shurikens in the other, all while wearing a flannel shirt. I shook the thought away, barely managing to keep a straight face.

“What are you doing out here, Wildcard?” I asked, raising a brow.

“Lookin’ for clues, same as you,” she said, her tone completely matter-of-fact, as if it wasn’t absurd for her to be out here, in the dark, putting herself in danger. Before I could call her out on it, she took a cautious step back, eyeing me warily. “Well, I hope same as you, anyway,” she added.

I crossed my arms. “You hope?”

“Yeah, well, it’s either that or you’re here to kill us, and if that’s the case, I’m prayin’ your booty shooter is nearby. And with better aim this time.”

I stared at her, trying to figure out if she was serious.Booty shooter?The girl was completely out of her mind. And fearless, apparently. I didn’t know if I should be impressed or worried.

“You do realize you’re making light of several very dark things right now, don’t you?” I asked, my voice flat.

She shrugged, her lips twitching as if she was trying to hold back a grin. “You’re right. I shouldn’t joke about you gettin’ shot. It was highly insensitive. How is your butt?”

I didn’t answer. Partly because the last thing I wanted to discuss with her—or anyone, for that matter—was the condition of my butt, but mostly because the fact that she was out here with just her phone light, cracking jokes about a shooter on the loose, made me feel queasy.

Or maybe it was that server at the diner earlier. Norma, right? She hadn’t exactly seemed thrilled to have me as a customer, and I wouldn’t put it past her to sneak something into my food.

I glanced back at Dakota, who was still grinning up at me in the dark, completely unfazed.Great.Just what I needed—another complication I didn’t have time for.

“Does Adam know you’re still staying here? Much less tromping through a crime scene?” I asked, crossing my arms as I looked down at her.

Dakota lifted her chin defiantly. “You’re trompin’ through it, too.”

I let out a dry chuckle. “That’s different. And I don’t tromp. Lumberjack ninja, remember?”

She laughed, the sound bright and airy, and I hated how it got to me. There was something about her laugh that was… infectious. It had a way of making me want to smile, even when I had no business doing so. I bit down on the inside of my cheek, battling to keep my expression in check.

Nope. Not happening. No smiles for you, Dakota Cole.

“Seriously, I’m a licensed professional—” I started to say, determined to get the conversation back on track.

“Oh, here we go,” she interrupted, rolling her eyes. “Is this the part where you tell me this is too dangerous for a silly little girl like me, and I should leave the dangerous work to the menfolk?”

I blinked, momentarily thrown off. “Um, no. I was going to say you’re—from what I hear—a highly capable ER nurse, and explain that I don’t show up in your ER trying to do your job, so don’t be sneaking around here trying to do mine.”

She stared at me, her mouth opening and closing like she didn’t know what to say to that. I wasn’t sure if I’d shocked her or if she was just processing the fact that I hadn’t gone full caveman on her.

“But,” I added, taking a step closer, my voice low, “now that you mention it, it is silly that you’re not at all worried about the danger you might be in. And you are pretty little.”

Her eyes narrowed at me, and she bristled at the comment. “I’m not that little. You’re just a giant.”

I sighed. “I won’t call you fun-sized if you stop calling me a giant. Let’s not pick at each other’s childhood scabs, okay?”

She shook her head at me, a wry smile tugging at her full lips as she regarded me like she was trying to figure me out. “Who are you?” she asked, her tone soft but laced with amusement.

“Tucker Black.”

“I knew that part from your chart, remember?” Dakota shot back with a teasing grin.

I smirked, feeling a familiar tug of amusement despite myself.

This girl.

“I meant… who are you, really? Why are you here? That’s the second time you’ve surprised the heck outta me with psychology references, yet you’re actin’ like a big bad bounty hunter on a mission to bring in one of my best friends. And just so you know,” she added, jabbing the air between us with her finger, “ifyou are tryin’ to bring her in for somethin’, you’re not gonna do it without a fight. She didn’t do whatever you think she did.”

Her fierce loyalty was almost endearing—almost. And the way she was ready to jump to Hope’s defense without even knowing the full story…

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