Page 59 of Single Orc Daddy

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I ask the jeweler to take it out of the case, and as I hold it in my hand, I know this is the one. The way it catches the light, sending little rainbows dancing across my palm - it's perfect. Just like Chloe.

"This is it," I tell the jeweler, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice. "This is the ring."

As the jeweler boxes up the ring, I can hardly contain my excitement. I imagine slipping this ring onto Chloe's finger, seeing her eyes light up with joy. My heart is pounding as I hand over my credit card, but I've never been more certain of a purchase in my life.

Walking out of the store with the small box in my pocket, I feel a thrill of excitement course through me. This ring represents our future together, and I can't wait to see it on Chloe's hand.

I can hardly believe the day has finally arrived. Weeks of planning, countless nights lying awake imagining every possible scenario, have led to this moment, and I'm ready...I just have to hope that she is, too. My palms are sweaty, and my heart's racing, but I've never been more certain of anything in my life.

As I wake up, my first thought is of Chloe and the journey that's brought us here. I remember our first meeting, the way her green eyes lit up when she smiled, and how natural it felt whenwe blended our families. Every moment has led to this, and I can't wait to start the next chapter.

The secluded garden I've chosen is perfect - it's where we had our first real conversation, and the sunsets there are breathtaking. I can still picture her silhouette against the orange sky, her laughter carried on the evening breeze.

I've arranged for a private chef to prepare Chloe's favorite dishes, and a string quartet will play softly in the background. The thought of Chloe's face when she hears our song makes my heart skip a beat. I hope she'll be as moved as I am.

I double-check my phone, confirming that the babysitter is all set to watch Penelope and Zola. It's important to me that we have this evening to ourselves, uninterrupted and focused solely on each other. I want to savor every moment, every expression on Chloe's face. Fuck, I'm nervous, but in the best possible way.

As I adjust my tie in the mirror, I run through my proposal speech one more time. The words have been bouncing around in my head for weeks, and I want them to be perfect. I want Chloe to know just how much she means to me, how she's changed my life for the better. Fuck, I hope I don't stumble over my words when the moment comes.

I take out the ring box and open it, admiring the way the diamond catches the light. It's beautiful, just like Chloe, and I can't wait to see it on her finger. My stomach does a little flip as I imagine her reaction. Will she cry? Laugh? Jump into my arms? Knowing Chloe, probably all three.

With everything in place, I take a deep breath, my broad chest expanding with the motion. Tonight is the beginning of our forever, and I've never been more certain of anything in my life. The nerves are still there, but they're overshadowed by the joy and love I feel for Chloe. I catch a glimpse of my green skin in the mirror, remembering how Chloe once told me she loved its unique shade.

As I head out the door, I pat my pocket one last time, making sure the ring is secure. This is it. Tonight, I'm going to ask Chloe to marry me, and I can't wait to start the rest of our lives together. I picture our blended family - me, Chloe, Zola, and Penelope - and my heart swells with emotion. It's time to make it official, to show Chloe and the world that this orc is ready to commit for life.



As Rendal leads me to the beautifully set table in the secluded garden, my heart flutters with anticipation. The fairy lights twinkle softly overhead, casting a dreamy glow over the entire scene. It's like stepping into a magical realm, just for the two of us.

I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and thought Rendal has put into this evening. Every detail, from the exquisite place settings to the fragrant flowers adorning the table, speaks volumes about his care and attention.

As we enjoy the delicious dinner, I find myself lost in Rendal's eyes. The conversation flows easily, punctuated by shared laughter and tender moments. I'm struck by how natural and right this feels – being here with him, surrounded by beauty and romance.

After savoring every bite of the decadent dessert, Rendal stands and takes my hand. His touch sends a shiver of excitement through me as he guides me to a small clearing nearby. The soft strains of music fill the air as a string quartetbegins to play. I recognize the melody instantly – it's our song, the one that always reminds me of our journey together.

My breath catches in my throat as Rendal drops to one knee before me. Time seems to stand still as he reveals a sparkling ring, its diamond catching the light of the fairy lights around us.

Tears fill my eyes, blurring my vision but not dimming the love I see reflected in Rendal's gaze. My heart pounds so hard I can hear it in my ears, and I'm trembling with anticipation.

His voice, filled with emotion, carries clearly in the quiet garden as he asks the question I've been dreaming of hearing. "Chloe, you've brought so much joy and love into my life. I have been so lucky to meet not just you but Penelope, too. Our girls are already like family, and I could not imagine anyone better for Zola than you. I want to be the father that Penelope needs, the man that you want, and to make us a real family." He sucks in a deep breath. "Will you marry me?"

The words hang in the air, sweet and perfect. I can see the vulnerability in Rendal's eyes, a softness that contrasts beautifully with his strong, green features. My heart swells with love for this incredible orc who's become my whole world. I want to shout my answer from the rooftops, but for a moment, I'm too overwhelmed to speak.

My heart soars, and without a moment's hesitation, I shout, "Yes! Yes, of course!"

I can't stop smiling as he slips the ring onto my finger, his strong green hands gentle against my skin. Overwhelmed with happiness, I throw my arms around his neck, pulling him close and savoring the feel of his muscular body against mine.

The next morning, I wake up with a smile on my face, the events of last night still fresh in my mind. As I glance at the sparkling ring on my finger, I feel a rush of excitement. Rendal and I agreed to share the news with the girls over breakfast, and I can hardly wait to see their reactions.

We gather in the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filling the air. Penelope and Zola are chattering away, oblivious to the big news we're about to share. Rendal catches my eye and gives me a subtle nod.

"Girls," I begin, my voice trembling slightly with excitement, "we have something important to tell you."

Their little faces turn to us, curiosity shining in their eyes. Rendal takes my hand, his touch reassuring.

"Chloe and I are getting married," Rendal announces, his voice filled with joy.

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