Page 36 of Single Orc Daddy

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This morning, I finally got my head on right and reached out to her, asking her to dinner. I hope that it can resolve things between us…but I also don't have answers to questions she'll ask.

Still, I know how fucking crucial this evening is, especially after all the tension between us lately. It's like walking on eggshells, and I'm determined not to screw it up.

As an orc, I'm used to facing challenges head-on, but this... this feels different. More important. I catch my reflection in my computer screen, my green skin a stark contrast to the white walls of my office, and I take a deep breath. Tonight could change everything.

As I'm packing up my things, ready to bolt out the office door, my phone buzzes. My stomach drops when I see Valeria's nameon the screen. I answer, and her voice comes through sharp and demanding.

"Rendal, we need to talk about Zola. Now."

Fuck. I feel a knot forming in my stomach. I know I can't avoid this confrontation any longer, but the timing couldn't be worse.

"I'll be there soon," I say, my heart sinking as I realize I'll be late to my dinner with Chloe.

I grab my keys and head out, my mind racing. How am I going to handle this? I can't blow off Valeria—she's Zola's mother, and this is about our daughter. But Chloe... God, I've put her through so much already. The thought of disappointing her again makes me sick.

As I drive to Valeria's place, I rehearse what I'm going to say to her. I need to be firm this time, make it clear that while Zola is our priority, getting back together isn't an option. My hands grip the steering wheel tighter as I think about how manipulative Valeria's been lately, using Zola to try and wedge herself between Chloe and me.

I pull up to Valeria's house, taking a deep breath before I get out of the car. This isn't going to be easy, but it's long overdue. I knock on the door, steeling myself for whatever's coming.

I knock on Valeria's door, my jaw clenched tight. The moment it swings open, she launches into a tirade.

"Finally, you're here. We need to talk about Zola's schedule. You're never around when she needs you!"

I step inside, trying to keep my cool. "Valeria, I'm here for Zola whenever she needs me. What's this about?"

She scoffs, her voice rising. "Oh, please. You're too busy with your new girlfriend to care about your daughter's needs."

My frustration builds, but I force myself to take a deep breath. "That's not fair, and you know it. I'm always there for Zola."

"Really? Then why did you miss her dance recital last week?"

"What? I didn't miss it. It's next month."

"No, it was moved up. I told you about it, but you were probably too distracted to listen."

I glance at my watch, knowing Chloe's waiting for me. Guilt gnaws at my insides, but I can't leave this unresolved.

"Look, Valeria, I'm sorry if there was a miscommunication, but you can't just change plans without making sure I know."

She throws her hands up. "This is exactly what I'm talking about! You're not involved enough in Zola's life!"

My temper flares. "That's bullshit, and you know it. I'm doing everything I can to be a good father."

"Everything except putting her first," she snaps back.

The argument escalates, our voices rising. I'm torn between defending myself and ending this quickly to get to Chloe. But with every passing minute, I know I'm letting Chloe down, and it's killing me.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and my heart sinks. I know it's Chloe, probably wondering where the hell I am.

"Look, we need to figure this out, but I have somewhere I need to be," I say, trying to keep my voice level.

Valeria's eyes narrow. "Of course you do. Always running off instead of getting your priorities straight."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. I pull out my phone, seeing Chloe's message asking where I am. Fuck. I'm already late, and this conversation isn't ending anytime soon.

"That's not fair, Valeria. I'm always here for Zola," I argue. Fuck, I have her most of the time, but I'm not about to open that can of worms with Valeria right now.

As Valeria continues to berate me, I type out a quick message to Chloe. My fingers feel heavy as I hit send, knowing I'm letting her down again.

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