Page 3 of Single Orc Daddy

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"Damn. Sucks to be you," I quip.


As we sit and talk, my eyes never leave my daughter. Despite everything we've been through, she's still a happy girl. So young and kind and ready to take on the world with open arms.

Being a single dad is tough, but a kid like Zola makes it all worth it. Ten times over.



It's a gloomy day at the park, but Penelope still wanted to come out and play for a while.

I lean forward on the bench, my heart racing as I watch Penelope tackle the jungle gym. Her little face scrunches up in concentration, determination etched into every feature. My hands grip the edge of the seat, ready to spring into action if needed.

"You can do it, Penny! Just a little more!" I call out, my voice full of encouragement and perhaps a tiny bit of concealed worry.

Penelope's tongue pokes out between her teeth as she reaches for the next bar. Her pigtails bounce with each movement, reminding me of the care I took this morning to make them just right. A gust of wind whips around us, and I pull my cardigan tighter.

"Mommy, look!" Penelope shouts, her eyes shining with pride as she conquers another level of the structure.

"I see you, sweetheart! You're doing amazing!"

A soft sigh falls from my lips. She's growing up so fast, becoming more independent every day. Part of me wants to rushover and scoop her up, to keep her safe in my arms forever. But I know I can't. I have to let her explore, to challenge herself.

A group of orc kids rush past, their laughter carried on the breeze. I scan the playground, taking in the other parents dotted around. Humans, orcs, and centaurs alike. I think I even spot a few vampires, given the lack of sunshine today in particular.

"Mommy, watch me!" Penelope exclaims, kicking her legs in excitement as she hangs onto the monkey bars.

I smile, nodding firmly. "Great job, honey! That's the longest you've held on!"

"I know!"

As I continue to cheer Penelope on, movement catches my eye. A massive orc strides toward the playground, his muscular frame impossible to miss. Beside him, a little girl with bouncing pigtails skips along, her excitement palpable even from this distance.

"Look, Penny! Someone new's coming to play," I call out, my gaze fixed on the approaching pair.

The orc's attentiveness strikes me immediately. His eyes never leave his daughter, scanning the playground as if assessing potential dangers. It's endearing, really. I can't help but smile at the gentle way he guides her, his large hand engulfing her tiny one.

He's a businessman, I can tell. The clean, polished shirt gives it away, along with the spotless shoes and the expensive watch on his wrist. When his eyes flicker to mine, my breath hitches slightly.

I wouldn't mind getting to know him a little more.

"Hi there!" The little girl waves enthusiastically at Penelope, who's now hanging upside down from the monkey bars.

I stand up, brushing off my jeans. "Be careful, sweetie," I remind Penelope before turning my attention to the newcomers.

The orc gives me a nod, his lips quirking into a small smile. "Afternoon," he rumbles, his voice deep and rich.

"Hi," I respond, suddenly feeling a bit flustered. "I'm Chloe, and that's my daughter Penelope up there." I gesture towards the jungle gym.

"Rendal," he introduces himself, then looks down at his daughter. "And this is Zola."

Zola beams up at me, revealing a gap where her front tooth should be. "Can I go play?" she asks her father, practically vibrating with energy.

Rendal chuckles, a warm sound that sends an unexpected shiver down my spine. "Go on, sweetheart. You know the drill. Just stay where I can see you."

As Zola dashes off to join Penelope, I find myself studying Rendal. There's something captivating about the way he watches his daughter, protectiveness radiating off of him in waves. It's a look I recognize all too well.

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