Page 99 of Out of Bounds

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“Florida. How do you feel about it?”

“What do you mean? Like, the beaches? Disney World? What are we talking about here?”

“Fort Lauderdale. Moving here. With me.”

I suck in a breath, my heart pounding into hyperdrive. “You want me to move to Florida with you?”

“I mean, yeah. If you want to. There are a few logistics to work out when I get the contract and we’d have to find a place?—”

A place.Singular.

Cam wants me to move in with him.

Every nerve in my body hums to life and I feel lighter than I have in days. “Yes! But I wouldn’t have a job right away, I’d need to find one. Doubt my dad will be too thrilled about that…”

“You wouldn’t need a job, not unless you want one. I make enough for both of us.”

“Oh, right.”

I do low-key love my job at the library. But I love Cam more.

“You don’t have to decide anything right now. I didn’t get offered a contract yet. But I wanted to float the idea out there.”

“I love the idea.”

Be careful, Sloane.

Those darn warning bells again, clanging. Always clanging.

Is this how I’m going to operate from now on?Because I hate feeling this way, torn and indecisive when I should be ecstatic.

“Good. Because I really miss you. I want to be together all the time. I want you at all my games, want you there in the morning when I wake up, want you there at night, riding my hard cock—” His voice turns husky and my body responds, chill bumps rising on my skin.

“I want that too, Cam.”

“Good. I miss you so much, baby.”

“Me too.”

Beep, beep.

Cam has another call.

“Sloane, I’m sorry, but I gotta take this. It’s Troy. Want me to call you back?”

“No, it’s late. You need to get some sleep so you can be ready for practice tomorrow. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”

With that, he disconnects and I toss the cell down on the sheets.

I should be happy right now. The man I love asked me to move in with him, take the next very serious, very real step in our relationship.

Too bad all I hear is Negative Nancy, cautioning me.

You’re doing the same thing you did with Ratface—and look how that turned out.

But Cam isn’t Ratface.

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