Page 98 of Out of Bounds

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At work, a kid says something funny and my first reaction is to pick up my phone and text Cam.

But then I text Gracelyn instead. Because Cam’s busy at practice and I know how badly he wants—needs—this job.

After one full day of mooning about, I can’t take it any longer. I throw myself into my own life with abandon—anything to avoid the misery that is missing Cam.

I pick up extra shifts at the library, add bonus story times to the calendar, and hang out with Gracelyn every free second she has. I keep myself occupied and spend a lot of time watching ESPN with my dad.

Nights are the toughest. There are no people, no activities to distract me.

In the quiet stillness, I lay in my bedroom staring at the ceiling and wonder what Cam’s doing.

He’s so busy, we hardly get a chance to talk. Every morning he texts me on the way to practice, but the messages are short. He’s in the zone and I know how critical that is for him right now.

Still, there are a million things I want to ask him.

How’s Fort Lauderdale? Have you seen the beach?

How’s the team? Did you make any friends yet?

What’s the coach like?

But most of all—do you think you’ll make the team? Are you leaving Thunder Creek for good?

That’s the real question hovering on my lips every time we do get a chance to talk. But I don’t say it, don’t bring up the future and all the different scenarios.

Because a part of me doesn’t want to know. I’m too afraid he’ll say it’s over. It was good while it lasted, but he’s moving on.

Without me.

I should trust what he says and not worry. But the warning bell in my head—the same one I silenced with Ratface—is dinging. And that sound gets a little louder each day Cam’s away.

Buzz, buzz.

My hand flies to the nightstand and I fumble around for my cell. The room’s pitch dark, so it must be late.

The screen lights up with Cam’s face, a cute pic of uson the dock at sunset. An ache throbs in my chest as I tap the phone.

“Hello?” My voice is low and scratchy from being alone in the quiet.

“Did I wake you?” Cam’s deep voice tickles my ear and hot desire rushes through me, every inch of me burning for him.

“No. I’m not sleeping yet.”

“How are you?”

“Lonely. I miss you.”

“Aww, me too, Trouble. Only a couple more days, though, and I should be back.”

“Really?” I pull at a loose thread on my pj’s, feeling a little lighter.

“That’s what it’s looking like. Can’t say for sure, but that seems like the plan. I think Coach is gonna make me an offer.”

“That’s great.” I force enthusiasm into my voice, knowing that an offer’s the best thing for Cam. Football’s his life.

“How do you feel about Florida?”

The back of my neck prickles and I sit up in bed. “What?”

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