Page 57 of Out of Bounds

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An eternity passes and then the front door slams again. Two seconds later, there’s a rap on the bathroom door.

Opening it a tiny crack, I peer out.

Cam’s standing in the hall, fully clothed, my wet lacy bra dangling from his finger.



That was a close call.

Too close.

What would I have done if Coach walked in on me finger-fucking his daughter?

We shouldn’t be so reckless. Especially me, with my entire life on the line. I can’t afford to screw anything else up. And the last thing I want to do is disrespect Coach in his own home.

I tap on the bathroom door and Sloane cracks it open the teeniest bit.

“You dropped this.” Her black lacy bra dangles from my finger.

“Ohmygod. My dad didn’t see, right?”

“No. I scooped it before he walked in.”

“He’s gone now, right?”

“Yes. Coast is clear.”

Sloane opens the door warily and I join her in the tight space. The bathroom’s not large to begin with and with both of us in the room, I can barely turn around.

“Why’d he come home, anyway? He never does that.” Her brows scrunch together.

“Forgot his playbook for practice.”


“Listen—” I run a hand through my damp hair, debating what to say and how to say it.

“Oh boy. This isn’t going to be good.” She sinks down onto the toilet seat, wrapping the towel around her shoulders tighter.

“Hey—” I cup her chin, tipping her face up toward me. “Everything’s fine. But we need to be more careful. I can’t afford to piss off your dad.”

She bites at her bottom lip, nodding. “Yeah. I get it. And trust me—I don’t want my dad walking in on us, either. So cringe. No offense.”

“None taken.”

“He’s not coming back now, though, right?”

“No, he said something about teaching a class seventh period and he was in a rush. Said he’ll see me at practice later.”

“Good.” She reaches out and depresses the lock on the door with a loud click. “Just in case.”

Then she grips my hips, hooking her thumbs in the waistband of my shorts and sliding them down my thighs.

“Sloane—” I groan as her tongue darts out, licking along the seam of her slightly swollen lips.

“Is this okay?” Her hazel eyes cut to mine, gazing up at me through a fringe of thick lashes.

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