Page 42 of Out of Bounds

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I’m getting way too attached to Sloane. I need to steer clear of here, keep my distance. But that’s almost impossible while we’re both living under the same roof. I join the only gym in town just to have somewhere to go. Somewhere to hide from her glittering smile, those full, pink lips taunting me.

Every time the tip of her tongue darts out, gliding along the glossy surface, all I can think about is dropping my mouth to hers. Tasting her, sliding in and making her mine.

When she glances at me from across the table, mossy hazel eyes wide and innocent, I instantly see her sprawled naked across my bed, her luscious breasts on display. How I’d love to tease the rosy tips into sharp points until she’s panting for me. Rub up and down her thighs, then sink my fingers into her pussy, stretching her, getting her ready to take all of me. Bringing her pleasure, over and over again.

I’ve jacked off in the gym shower every day and still leave here with a woody.

I need to find a hobby or something before I rub my poor dick raw. I’m also tired of eating take-out in an effort to avoid dinner with her and Coach—there’s only so many options in Thunder Creek and I’ve exhausted all of them.

Or you could grow a pair and tell her how you feel.

I squeeze my eyes shut tight, heavy tension sitting at the base of my neck.

Terrible idea, Crawford. What you fucking need to do is find a new team and get out of town before you screw things up worse.

Taking my own advice, I tap out a text to my agent.

Cam: Practice going great here. Any word on a new team yet?

I sink down onto the wooden locker room bench and wait for his response. Troy, my agent, always has his phone and typically responds within minutes.

True to form, my cell pings.

Agent Man: Had a few nibbles. But nothing firm yet

Cam: Which teams?

Agent Man: Dakota was interested

I suck at my teeth. Not my first pick, given the horrible weather. But beggars can’t be choosers.

Cam: What was the deal?

Agent Man: No deal. They pulled out


Dakota would be better than nothing.

Cam: Did they say why?

Agent Man: They saw the video

Fuck me.

Cam: Motherfucker. They know their running back got a DUI last year, right?

Agent Man: Yeah. That’s why they don’t want more problems

This is so stupid. If I would have known I was being recorded, I never would have gone back to the hotel room with two of my teammates and those women from the bar. So fucking rash and naïve. I had too much to drink and made a mistake.

A fucking costly one. For me and my buddies, who also got kicked.

Not to mention my dating life, which has been non-existent since I got cut. It’s pretty hard to trust anyone after a dupe like that. And it’s not like I have a whole helluva lot to offer at the moment.

Cam: Bro. You can’t explain it away? What if I send footage of me on the field? Running drills?

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