Page 37 of Out of Bounds

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“Yes, Coach.”

“You’ll be running drills with one of the quarterbacks, Langley. He’s a sophomore and this would be his rookie season playing QB. But Rex graduated, so we need someone to take his place.”

Coach drops his voice low, so only I can hear. “Between you and me, Langley is my top choice. But there’s a junior, Dalton, who thinks he should get the nod to step up. Ihave to be fair about it and do what’s best for the team. Work with Langley and see what you think.”

I suck in a breath, the wheel of anxiety starting to churn deep in my gut.Coach wants me to help vet the QBs?

“You got it, Coach. Any particular thing you want me to work on with him?”

“He needs to be able to read the field. But he’s also gotta be able to get it into your hands. So let’s run some routes, see how he does.”

“No problem.” I toss my bag onto a bleacher and start my stretching routine, reaching to the sky and opening up my lungs. Sucking in a deep breath, I close my eyes and try to focus on football. But my mind’s still swimming from yesterday, at least half of my thoughts coming back to Sloane.

Get your shit together, Crawford. You have a job to do.

“Afternoon, boys!” Coach’s voice booms over the field, echoing off the empty bleachers. “Welcome to the unofficial start of football boot camp. We’re going to work hard, learn the plays, and condition all summer so we can be the winningest team in Georgia. Got it?”

“Yes, Coach!” Thirty-six voices belt out the familiar phrase and I’m transported straight back to my own high school football days, back when I was still trying to make it. Everything inside me is jumpy, amped, and I’m ready to play ball.

“We have a week left of school and afternoon practice. Once summer officially begins, we’ll run practice every morning, Monday through Friday. First we’ll have conditioning, then we’ll run drills. Saturdays are optional practices, but I hope you’ll be able to make at least some of them. Those will be the scrimmage practices. Afternoons are reserved for lifting and meeting with the trainer.”

Heads nod as the boys dial in, absorbing Coach’s words as if they’re gospel. Which—let’s be honest—they kind of are.

“Next year will be a transition year, with a bunch of the seniors graduating. That doesn’t mean I don’t expect us to take home the title. Just means we need to practice harder and longer to figure things out and gel as a team. Some of you may have noticed this guy—” Coach slaps me on the back. “Cam Crawford, one of my former star players. He’s been in the pros the last few years and he’ll be here at practice, helping me out.”

All eyes swivel to me and I stand taller, straighter, a part of me wanting to impress these kids.

“That’s enough chitchat for now. Everybody run four laps around the track and then we’ll break into teams for drills.”

Groups form, players building alliances as we all take off around the track. I jog at a nice, easy pace alone, warming up my body. The afternoon sun’s beating down, hot and strong, and the humidity’s so thick my skin’s sticky with a light sheen of sweat after only one lap.

I finish in the middle of the pack and head over to the bleachers to hydrate while the stragglers limp in.

“What are you doing back here, in Thunder Creek?” A kid about five inches shorter than me with tightly buzzed hair stares over at me. He kicks his leg up on the bleacher and bends toward his toes, stretching out his hamstring.

“Like Coach said, I’m here training with him. Getting back to basics.”

“I heard you got cut.”

Word travels fast. This kid is up on his football intel.

“I’m in between teams right now is all. What’s your name?”

“Dalton. I’m the new QB for this team. You play wide receiver, right? So you’re gonna be my man for the summer or something?”

“Maybe. We’ll see what Coach says. He’ll probably try you out with a few different players, since I obviously won’t be here during the season. Fresh out of eligibility.” I shoot him a wry smile, but he doesn’t return it.

“Right.” Dalton draws the word out, giving me a cold stare.

“Drill time, boys!” Coach blows his whistle, waving everyone over to the center of the field. I’m not torn up about cutting the conversation short.

“Dalton, you’ll be working with Stevens. Langley, you’re with Crawford. My O-line will be running the Over the Middle drill with Coach Baker. The D-line is working on the forty-five degree drill with Coach Mack. Any questions?” Coach glances around, but no one raises their hand. “Alright, then. Let’s get to work.”

The huddle breaks and players group up according to the assignments. Dalton, Stevens, Langley, and I follow Coach to the far end of the field. Coach stoops down and picks up two footballs, tossing one to Dalton and the other to Langley.

“With Rex gone, we’ll be needing a new quarterback this season. One of the two of you will get the starting position; the other will be back-up. This is your chance to practice your skills. You boys are lucky to have a pro in town to show you how it’s done.” Coach tips his ball cap at me and my chest tightens, nerves firing.

I’m not sure how lucky they are to have me, but it’s nice to hear Coach say so.

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