Page 116 of Out of Bounds

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May as well tell him the bad news, quick and dirty.

His brows raise. “Really? That’s too bad.”

He doesn’t ask any questions and mercifully holds in his well-earned ‘Told you so.’

“I know.” I huff out a long breath, my insides feeling shaky. “I thought he was different.”

I stare at the worn flower on the sofa. Sad, defeated.


Hot tears well in my eyes and I try to hold them in, but I can’t. They spill out, streaming down my cheeks, and now I’m sobbing. All the pent-up emotion I’ve been reigning in coming out in hot, disappointed waves.

My dad sets his beer on the coffee table and stands up, wrapping his strong arms around me, holding me tight while I cry. Sadness and disappointment flow out of me, soaking his polo that smells like grass and Old Spice deodorant. He rubs my back and doesn’t say a word. Doesn’t ask questions or toss out stupid sayings like “What’s meant to be, will be.”

Just holds me in his arms, loving on me like he always has.

My dad’s the only man in the entire world who’s never disappointed me or let me down. Not even once.

I cry for the loss of love. The dream romance I thought Cam and I had. The happily ever after we’re never going to get.

I cry for the loss of one of my best friends.

I cry until the tears run out, standing there in the living room, soaking up all my dad’s quiet strength and goodness.

Finally, when I’m all cried out, my dad asks the dreaded question.

“I don’t wanna pry. But what happened? I thought you two were gonna go the distance.”

His gruff voice rumbles against my chest and I take a shuddery breath. I may as well tell him—he’s bound to find out sooner or later.

“Cam cheated on me.” My voice cracks, the chords hoarse from crying. “Down in Florida. I saw the video.”

“That son of a bitch,” he growls, squeezing me tighter. “After I warned him, too.”

“What?” I pull away, glancing up at my dad. “What did you say to him, Daddy?”

“I told him if he did anything to hurt you, he was gonna have to answer to me.” He steps away from me, snatching his ball cap off the sofa and jingling his keys in his pocket.

“Wait—what are you doing?”

“Going to see Cam and give him a piece of my mind.” He starts to stalk toward the door, but I intercept him, placing a hand on his chest.

“Please, Daddy. Don’t. It’ll only make things worse.”

He scrubs the back of his neck, a deep V between his brows as he stares down at the faded carpet, contemplating.

“Fine.” He takes his hat off and runs his fingers through his sandy brown hair. “I won’t talk to him tonight.”

A tiny sigh of relief leaks from me.

“But I’m not making any promises about later.”

My dad throws his arm around me and I rest my head on his strong shoulder. I guess no matter how old I get, I’ll always be my daddy’s little girl.



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