Page 107 of Out of Bounds

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I made Sloane sick.

She’s literally throwing up over what I did, how I behaved.

Hot shame rushes over me, washing away all the excitement of the contract, the fresh start. My palms itch and I’m twitchy. I want to go to Sloane right now. Hold her hand and explain. Tell her how sorry I am. About that night, about everything.

But I can’t leave Fort Lauderdale tonight. I have one more meeting with the team tomorrow morning and I can’t afford to miss it. Details still need to be hammered out, I’s dotted and T’s crossed. Too much hangs in the balance for me to leave now.

“Fuck!” I punch the fluffy stack of oversized pillows, rage surging down my arm straight into the feathers. Hitting the pillows again and again, I pound until my knuckles chafe and burn.

One night.

Too much alcohol and a stupid, rash decision. One that keeps coming back to haunt me.

I have to make Sloane understand, forgive me.

The possibility of losing football almost crushed me, hurt so bad I wasn’t sure I’d survive.

But losing Sloane?

This is worse. Impossibly worse, knowing I hurt the one person who’s always believed in me, no matter what.

A heavy pain settles on my chest and I sink to the floor, burying my face in my palms.How could everything go so wrong, so fast?



Gracelyn holds my hair back while I vomit into the toilet, every morsel I ingested over the last twenty-fours emptying from my stomach.

“Breathe, Sloane. It’s okay, it’s okay.” She repeats the mantra over and over again. Like if she keeps saying it, I’ll believe her and everything will miraculously turn out fine.

Like none of this ever happened.

But I know better.

Things are not okay. I’m not okay.

Images of those women—busty and beautiful—having sex with Cam’s teammates. With Cam. I can’t unsee them. The mile-high stilettos, all the curves, the things they were doing with each other.

The X-rated scene out in the universe, for everyone to see.

This is worse than what happened with Ratface. At least only the office and a few mutual friends knew about that.

Cam cheated on me—and there’s video evidence. Everyone in the whole wide world will know.

I’m humiliated once again and this time on a freaking global scale.

But that’s not even the worst part.

The worst part is he broke my heart. Smashed it into a million pieces, then ran over it with a tank.

The first chance he got to leave town, he cheated on me. With multiple women.

He treated me like I was nothing to him. Like we were nothing.

I’m not enough for Cam. I never was.

I’m boring old good girl Sloane.

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