Page 100 of Out of Bounds

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He’s not a lying, cheating, narcissist, roaming around in search of his next conquest. I’m not disposable to Cam. What we have is real and pure.

Deep down, I know he’s different.

Doesn’t stop me from worrying, though.

A million what-ifs race through my head:

What if I hate Florida?

What if Cam changes his mind? About me? About us?

What if my dad’s right about love and people don’t stay?

This last thought’s the most depressing of all.

But it can’t be true.

Cam loves me and I know that, feel it every time we talk, touch, kiss. Feel it when he sends me a funny meme, or lets me pick the movie even though I’m sure it’s not what he would choose.

This is good.

Everything is great and I’m making the right choice.

“Alexa, play ocean waves.” The sound of waves fills my bedroom and I close my eyes, picturing Cam and me walking the white, sandy beach down in Fort Lauderdale.

Finally, I drift off to sleep.



“Come on, Sloane. You need to go out tonight. I know you miss Cam, but I can’t in good conscience let you sit at home with your dad and Mack watching ESPN reruns on a Friday night. It’s not healthy.” Gracelyn crosses her arms over her chest and taps her foot on the worn library carpet, two telltale signs she isn’t taking no for an answer. Not tonight.

“Fine,” I sigh, giving in. “I’ll go to Mustang’s, but only for one drink.” She does have a solid point about the ESPN reruns, which don’t sound appealing. Plus, I haven’t told her about Cam’s proposition yet—I wanted to have the convo in person.

“Yeah!” She claps her hands, then runs her fingers through my ponytail. “Can I do your hair for you? A blowout? Maybe soft curls?”

“Don’t push it.” I shoot her a warning glare. “I’m getting one drink, not picking up a new man. How about we concentrate all our efforts on you?”

Gracelyn huffs out a breath. “What for? You and I bothknow there’s not one single guy left to date in Thunder Creek. I’ve lived here my whole damn life and run through most of them. Plus, you already snagged the most eligible bachelor in town.”

Damn, another good point. She’s full of them today.

“Fine. How about we go and enjoy each other’s company then? Spend some time polishing up your online dating profile.”

“Waste of time. Maybe we can convince Mike to let us take over DJ duties and play good music for once.”

The chance of that happening is about as likely as me letting Gracelyn give me a makeover, but I hold back that comment.

“Sure. Meet at Mustang’s at eight?”

“No, I’ll pick you up. That way you for sure can’t bail on me.” She gives me a knowing look. “See you later!”

With a quick squeeze of my arm, she spins and sashays out of the library. The rest of my shift flies by. I restock all the books on the cart, finish rereading the next book club selection—my personal favorite,Pride and Prejudice—and tidy up the Reference desk for Ms. Mabel. As soon as the clock hits six p.m., I tuck in my chair and skip out of the quiet building to the parking lot.

I’d never admit it to Gracelyn, but I’m kind of glad she talked me into going out. Spending yet another night at home with my dad sounds downright depressing.

Buzz, buzz.

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