Page 60 of Forever Wild

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Over an hour later, we pull up to the guard gate on set and I give my name and role, flashing my ID. The guard waves us through and I direct the driver to the spot Stu messaged me. I hop out of the car, grabbing my luggage.

“Wild?” A twenty-something female wearing a headset trots over to me, her head tipped to the side. She’s clearly someone’s assistant, although that’s not stopping her from power tripping.

“That’s me.”

“Finally. We’ve been waiting on you all morning. Your costume and gear are in trailer three. Be ready and on set in ten.” She hitches her thumb at a trailer in the distance and I hustle away to change.

Nine minutes later—I make record time—I’m suited up in an all-black leather riding uniform and boots. The attitudinal assistant walks me over to the set as I fasten the cherry red helmet around my chin. My stomach’s swirling from hot nerves and I try to take slow, deep breaths to calm down.

“There’s the bike and that’s Murray, the guy chasing you.” She points at the yellow motorcycle next to a man wearing an outfit similar to mine, except his is neon green. Murray shoots me an awkward wave and I wave back, tamping down the jumpiness in my limbs.

“We want to try to get this right on the first take. We’re already behind schedule, and your delay this morning didn’t help.” The assistant frowns at me, then taps her headset. “Yeah, he’s here. Okay, I’ll tell him.”

She tips her chin up at me. “The director said he re-read the script and he’s changing the stunt. He needs you to cut right, then left, then instead of going directly into the jump you’re going to do three doughnuts and Murray’s going to try to knock you off the bike. You fend him off, then hit the ramp. Got it?”

I roll my shoulders, reciting the stunt. “Right, left, three doughnuts, a punch to Murray, then hit the ramp.”

“Okay, at least you’re a quick study.” She eyes me up and down, reassessing since I’ve proven I’m not a total moron. “Let’s get rolling, boys.”

She sidles off the set and Murray and I hop on our bikes, revving the engines.

“And—action!” A voice somewhere off-set shouts the go-ahead and I peel out, taking the straightaway with Murray close behind me. I cut right and everything’s solid, the bike vibrating beneath me. Wind whips around me as I streamline, cutting left. I catch the green blur of Murray as I spin in the first doughnut. He edges closer to me as I spin again, then again. We’re side-by-side now and Murray thrusts his arm out, punching me. I wasn’t expecting the blow to be that hard and I wobble, the bike tipping precariously.

“Cut!” The director waves his arm wildly through the air, aggravated. “No good! Motorcycle man in green isn’t supposed to make contact first. Take two!”

The assistant scowls at both of us from a distance and my chest constricts as we make our way back to the original starting point.

Unfortunately, things don’t get much better. Murray continues to beat up on me, getting way too close, our timing all wrong. After forty-five minutes and I don’t know how many runs, the director calls for a break. The assistant stalks over to us, arms folded over her chest.

“What the fuck, guys? This is an easy stunt—it was supposed to be one take, remember? A slam dunk.”

“Says the personnotdoing the stunt.” I unfasten my helmet, glaring at her. “You ever have a fight on a motorcycle going sixty-five miles an hour?”

She pinches her overdrawn brows together. “No.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think so.”

She doesn’t say anything else, pivoting and stomping away. My shoulders slump as I lean against the seat of the bike. This is harder than I remember, and if I’m being honest with myself, I’m not enjoying it like I used to. Before, the adrenaline would pump through my veins and I felt strong, indestructible. Now I only feel frustrated.

I miss Trix.

“Break’s over, boys. Let’s get this done right this time.” The assistant taps at her headset, waving us back to the set.

Closing my eyes, I picture Trix: her cute button nose, the round apples of her rosy cheeks, her full pink lips. The light smatter of freckles dotting her upper arms, the round globes of her juicy ass.

One last stunt, Wild. Let’s get this right. Then we’re out of here.

I rev my bike and speed down the road, outrunning Murray for the final time. The only thing standing between me and Peach Springs is this stunt. And I’ve never wanted to be back home more than I do right now.



Colt’s only been gone one day and I’m not sure I’m going to survive this break-up.

How could I get so attached, so involved with him in such a short time?

Especially after everything that happened with Jett.

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