Page 36 of Forever Wild

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“The kitchen, maybe?”

“Very funny, Trix. Relax, we’ve got this.” His thumb rubs back and forth on my leg and heat unfurls low in my belly.


“We’ve been spotted.” I catch a glimpse of a blond head peeking out of the front window. “We better get in there before they start wondering what we’re doing out here.”

Colt takes a big breath. “All right, let’s go.”

I open my own door and climb out—more friends than friends-with-benefits that way. The two of us make our way up to the door, careful to keep a good distance between us.

“Hey.” Danny flings the door open wide before we have a chance to knock. My nephew, William, clings to his leg. “Glad you two could make it. Trix, is something wrong with your car?” He peers out at the driveway, puzzled.

“Uh, no. We rode together.”

“Oh.” Danny looks from me to Colt, then back to me. “Okay. Inflation’s really hitting you hard, huh? You need to borrow some money?” He ushers us into the house as my face flames.

“No, thanks. I’m good. But yeah—gas prices, huh?”

Colt elbows me, I suppose in some sort of attempt to get me to spill the beans. I don’t budge, wanting to keep the truth from my brother as long as humanly possible.

“Trix—why don’t you tell Danny the funny story about Ms. Lottie and Ms. Dottie?”

My gut clenches and I want to punch Colt in his gorgeous square jaw right now. So much for keeping the living arrangements on the down-low.

“Actually, truth be told, Colt and I are kinda-sorta roommates. Long story, but the Spruce sisters double-booked the apartment.”

“Wow. Either of you can stay here if you want more space.” My brother waves his hand in the direction of the romper room. “We have a fold-out couch downstairs. Really comfy.”

“Thanks, man, I appreciate that,” Colt says, shoving a hand in his pocket.

“Oh, hey, William!” I bend down, fluffing my nephew’s blond curls and effectively changing the subject. “How’s T-ball? I can’t wait to come to your game!”

“Hi, Tee-Tee.” He lifts his head and waves. “I have a game this weekend. I’m going to get to bat this time.”

“Oh, how exciting! I’ll be there.”

He abandons my brother’s leg for mine, gripping my calf hard and squeezing and my heart melts. Before my brother had kids, I didn’t give a lot of thought to children. But now that I see what a great dad he is and how much fun they all have together as a family, I kind of low-key want at least one of my own.

“Hi, Trixie!” Ana bustles into the living room, rushing over and giving me a hug. “You look fabulous. And hello, Colt. Good to see you.” Her eyes skim over Colt from head to toe and Colt shifts from foot to foot.

“Hey, Ana. Thanks for having me.”

“Oh, our pleasure.” She pats his arm—more like strokes it, honestly—and a sharp surge of jealousy stabs me in the chest.

For fuck’s sake, Trix, get a grip. Ana’s married to your brother and you and Colt are friends-with-future-benefits. No strings attached.

“Can I get y’all something to drink? Beer, wine, water?” Ana directs the question at Colt as if I’m not standing right here.

“Sure, that would be great. I’ll take a beer,” Colt says.

“Super. Trix, you want something?”

“I’ll have wine, but I can get it. You need any help in the kitchen?”

“Come grab the drinks. The chicken should be almost done and then we’re ready to eat.” She flutters her eyelashes at Colt, then pivots and heads to the kitchen, swaying her hips dramatically. I follow behind her, suddenly very thirsty for that wine. Anything to take the edge off, my nerves humming with anxiety and a low-grade level of aggravation.

“Wine’s in the fridge, Trix. Help yourself.” Ana gestures at the refrigerator, then bends down to check on the chicken in the oven. “So, did I just hear that you and Colt are rooming together? How is that, living with Colt? That must be fun, huh?”

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