Page 35 of Forever Wild

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Colt mashes the volume button, returning the sound to a more humane decibel level.


“Much. Didn’t know I was attending a concert when I said you could drive.”

“What? I like loud music. And loud other things too.” He smirks over at me, pulling out onto Main Street.

“Okay, that right there?” I point at him. “That cannot happen at my brother’s house. In fact, let’s have a little dress rehearsal.”

Colt chuckles, a deep rumble that sends electric bolts shooting straight through me. I clench my thighs together, willing the ache between my legs to go away.

“I’ll start. Pretend I’m Danny—so Colt, what have you been doing lately?” I drop my voice as low as it will go, doing my best Danny impression.

“Not your sister,” Colt deadpans, and I slug him on the thigh.

“Stop! Be serious.”

“Fine.” Colt screws his lips up, thinking. “Hitting the gym, going to PT—trying to get back in fighting shape for stunting.”

Although intellectually I know that’s Colt’s plan, hearing the words out loud still hits me in the gut. I swallow hard, my throat tight.

“How was that?” Colt cuts his eyes at me.


“Okay. Now it’s my turn to be Danny. Trix, where are you staying?”

“That’s an easy one,” I say, relieved. “Above the shop. I’m renting from Ms. Lottie.”

“Huh. I thought that’s where Colt was living?”

Well, shoot. He got me there.

“Uh, yeah. He is. We’re rooming together at the moment. There was a mix-up between Ms. Lottie and Ms. Dottie, but we’re all squared away,” I stammer, overexplaining the situation.

“Must be hard living under the same roof with someone as good-looking as Colt and keeping your clothes on.”

“Argh, you’re impossible!” I groan, throwing my head back against the seat. “C’mon, be for real right now! We’re gonna go in and blow it.”

“Oh—blowing. Now we’re talking.” He waggles his eyebrow at me and I can’t take him seriously, not even for one second.

“You’re incorrigible, Colt Wild. Forget it—we’ll wing it. It’ll be fine.”

“Relax, Trix.” Colt rests his hand on my thigh, warmth seeping through the thin, gauzy material of my dress. “It’s Danny. He’s not that observant.”

“I sure as hell hope not. Because that little acting exercise gets a grade of an ‘F.’”

We pull up to my brother’s house and I take a deep, calming breath.

Everything’s going to be fine. Just act normal.

Colt’s fingers fan out on my thigh and I tingle beneath his touch.

So not fine.

“When we sit down, whatever you do—donotsit next to me. Or across from me. I don’t think I can keep a straight face, staring you down.”

“Where should I sit then?”

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