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Macy: Not really ‘cute.’ Think Architectural Digest beach house, not beach shack

Everly: What? He lives alone, right?

Macy: Pretty sure. Haven’t seen anyone else

Everly: Who woulda thunk? He seems so—IDK—normal

Macy: Normal people can have nice houses

Everly: Normal people don’t fly on private jets. Or go to galas

Macy: That had crossed my mind

Everly: Have you seen the dress yet?

Macy: No. I’ll text you as soon as I do

Everly: Squee! So exciting.

Macy: Gotta go. Gonna miss sunset. Oh—remember to take the garbage out and lock the door. I know you forget sometimes

Everly: I got it, Mace. Have fun and stop worrying.

Macy: Okay, okay. Be safe. Miss you. Night

A few seconds later Liam walked out, carrying two wine glasses. He handed me my glass, then settled in the deck chair next to me.

“Cheers,” he said, tapping my glass lightly.

“Cheers,” I said, torn between gazing at Liam or soaking up the incredible panoramic sunset. “Do you do this every night?”

Liam chuckled. “Not every night. Sometimes I meet friends for dinner, sometimes I’m working. Occasionally I make the sojourn into L.A., although I really try to avoid it. Traffic is horrible.”

“That’s one thing Peachtree Grove has going for it. My commute’s awesome.”

“Peachtree Grove has a lot of things going for it. You, for one.” Liam reached across the table, his fingers grazing my skin, igniting all my nerve endings.

“The park is nice and all, but this—” I gestured out at the ocean, the sun a bright orange ball sinking down on the horizon, streaks of dark pink and red slashing across the darkening sky.

“I know. And I get that we’re still feeling out our relationship—” Liam paused, blew out a long breath. “But would you ever consider leaving Peachtree Grove?”

A light breeze blew in over the water and I tucked one leg up underneath me for warmth. Back home, spring was in full swing, the humidity already creeping in. Here, the salty marine air felt refreshing, cooling my heated skin.

I bit down hard on my bottom lip. I figured we’d have this conversation eventually, one way or the other, but I hadn’t counted on it quite so soon. My stomach rolled, matching the crashing waves of the Pacific down below.

“I don’t know,” I said, answering honestly. “Peachtree Grove isn’t breathtaking or even that exciting, but it is home. And Everly needs me.”

Liam nodded. “I understand. I hope you’ll at least think about it, though.” He met my eyes, his expression serious, earnest even.

“I will. Promise.”

“That’s all I can ask.”

Liam leaned over, pressing his lips to mine, and I’d never been more torn in my entire life. I’d finally met a gorgeous man—kind, sweet, thoughtful, generous—and he lived on the other side of the country. In practically another universe from my current existence. Was I willing to leave behind everything and everyone I’d ever known—even abandon my sister—for a chance at love?

A few weeks ago, I would’ve said hell no, that’s absolute crazy talk.

Now, kissing Liam here on this deck, his strong hands holding me tight, I wasn’t so sure anymore. The answer definitely wasn’t hell no. A solid ‘maybe’ hung in the air between us, thrilling me and scaring the shit out of me at the exact same time.

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