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Unfortunately, she was probably right. Besides the late bedtime, I’d tossed and turned all night, analyzing what went down between me and Liam in the bedroom. I’d never cried during sex before. My emotions were out of control last night and I wasn’t one hundred percent sure why. Something about Liam just felt—I don’t know—special. And apparently that brought me to tears?

Good grief. No wonder it’d been a while since I’d had a boyfriend...

“Hey, Macy!” Bree, Ryder’s fiancée, waved at me from a table in the corner. I waved back, grabbing a menu and heading her direction.

“Hi, Bree. What’s up? What’ll it be this morning?” I handed her the menu, waiting while she glanced it over.

“I’ll take two blueberry muffins and two large coffees to go. I’m dropping breakfast off for Ryder.” Her cheeks flushed at the mention of his name, her eyes getting honest-to-goodness starry. I guessed that’s what love looked like in real life.

“That’s sweet. I’ll have it right up for you.”

“Thanks.” She handed the menu back to me. “How are things going with Liam?” She tipped her head, waiting for my response.

I shoved my notepad into my apron pocket, avoiding eye contact, as my own cheeks heated up.How the hell did she know about me and Liam already?It’d been like five minutes since we’d officially started dating. I swear, this town was going to drive me batty.

“Uh, what do you mean?” I asked, biting down hard on my lip, hedging.

“He’s your next-door neighbor, right? Do you ever see him? Is he doing okay? I feel badly we haven’t had him over for dinner yet, but we’ve been so busy taking care of Pops and Gigi. Liam’s a real prince for stepping up like he did.”

“Oh. Yeah. We’ve run into each other a few times.” I worked to keep my voice casual. I didn’t need to feed the rumor mill any fresh details. Not that Bree would spill the tea, but I knew word tended to get around in this town.

“That’s great. He’s a super nice guy. I honestly can’t believe he’s still single. A tech billionaire like him, who’s good-looking on top of it all.”

I froze, my chest tightening. “Wait—what did you just say? Liam’s a billionaire? Like, with a ‘B’?”

“Yeah. He’s a huge deal in L.A. Ever since SwypeRight went public, companies have been practically chasing after him to develop apps. He’s even been in a few business magazines.”

A cold sweat formed at the small of my back as Bree’s words sunk in. Liam was a freaking billionaire? He seemed so...normal. How was this even possible?

And ohmygawd. I’d cried on him. During sex. My heart hammered in my chest as I replayed the interactions we’d had. My car breaking down. The bathrobe incident. Last night with my sister.

Oh. My. Gawd.

Honestly, I kind of wanted to die.

“You okay?” Bree asked, her eyes filled with concern. “You look a little pale. Maybe you should drink some water? Put your feet up?”

I waved her concern away. “I’m fine, just tired is all. I’ll be right back with those coffees and muffins to go.”

Spinning on my heel, I hustled over to the bakery display to fetch the muffins, trying to calm down my overactive nervous system and get my breathing under control.

Relax. It’s going to be fine. So he has some money. Big deal.

Except it wasn’t just some money. It was a LOT of money, which made it feel like an even bigger deal. And made me wonder even more why the hell Liam would be interested in little ol’ me. What could I possibly offer him that no other woman could?

None of this made any sense.

I poured two tall, steaming coffees into Styrofoam cups, popping the lids on, then picked up the bag of muffins and trotted back to Bree’s table.

“Coffee and muffins to go.” I deposited the order on the table, ripping the check off my notepad.

“Perfect, thanks. And thanks again for watching out for Liam.” Bree shot me a wide, genuine smile, and I don’t know what possessed me, but I asked, “Do you have a sec?”


I pulled a chair out and sat down next to her, leaning in close so no one else could hear. “I know this is kind of personal—and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want—but since you’re a relationship expert and all—”

Bree nodded. “Go on.”

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