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I opened one eye, noting bright sunlight streaming through the cracks in the blinds. I checked my watch. Geez, it was already nine a.m. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept in past seven.

I reached for my phone, glancing down at the screen.

Liam: When can I see you again?

A shiver of excitement shot straight through me, all the way down to my toes.

Dammit. Not the reaction of someone not getting involved.

I took a deep breath, staring up at my ceiling. Every fiber in my body urged me to typeRight now.Like, my thumbs literally twitched, pausing over the ‘R’ on the keyboard.

Uh-uh. Do not do it.

There it went—that warning bell in my head. Apparently, it needed a few moments to wake up and collect itself, but finally common sense had entered the building.

I threw my phone down on my nightstand and went to take a shower, not responding to Liam’s text.

Twenty minutes later—all shampooed, lathered, conditioned, and moisturized—I popped out of my bathroom wearing my terrycloth robe and a hot pink towel turban on my head. Maybe it was the late night and all the soul-searching, but even though I’d slept in I was still exhausted and needed coffee. Right. Now.

I padded down the hall to the kitchen, following the heavenly scent of freshly brewed coffee. Everly must be up, grading papers and getting ready for our Netflix date. I spun into the room and froze.

“Hey, sis. Look who stopped by? He needed creamer.”


Liam sat at our tiny kitchen table, sipping from my favoriteGilmore Girlsmug like he belonged there.

And I was wearing my ratty robe and a towel on my head.


“Uh, hey,” I said, shooting him an awkward-as-fuck wave. Heat flooded my cheeks and I wanted to melt into the tile floor. No, make thatthe groutof the tile floor.

“Good morning.” He smiled over at me, all white teeth and that one adorable dimple, and I blushed even harder.

“Just gonna grab a cup...” I muttered, walking as fast as I could to the cabinet. At least my ratty-ass robe wasn’t short, so when I reached for a mug my butt wouldn’t be hanging out. I fumbled around in the kitchen, nerves pinging around like a frenetic pinball, trying to hurry but also to not flash the company.

I swear I felt Liam’s eyes boring into my back as I poured my coffee, sprinkled in the sugar. Honestly, why’d my sister have to be so damn neighborly?

She chattered at him while I stirred in creamer, the spoon tinging the side of the mug. Liam said nothing, just sat and patiently listened to my sister yammer.

“I’m gonna go get dressed,” I murmured, pointing my thumb over my shoulder at my bedroom. Then I scooted out of there before either of them said another word, closing the door so quickly behind me I splashed a few drops of coffee on the floor.

“Shit,” I muttered, swiping at the spill with my bare foot. I smudged the liquid into the floorboard, setting the coffee on my dresser. I tossed the towel off my head, running a quick comb through my hair, then swiped on eyeliner and a coat of mascara. Chucking my robe, I quickly threw on some clothes—jeans and a tight grey T-shirt, I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard—scraping my wet hair back into a high ponytail.

Grabbing my coffee mug, I took a deep breath and hustled back out to the kitchen. Leaving Everly alone with Liam for an extended period of time seemed like a bad idea, even if I’d resolved not to get involved. That didn’t mean I wanted my sister moving in on him.

“Hey,” I said breezily, crashing casually into the chair next to Liam.

“Hey.” He flashed me a grin, landing somewhere between a cocky smile and a smirk. “I was wondering if you were home.”

“Really?” I asked, twirling my ponytail.

“Yeah. When I didn’t hear from you, I assumed you were out.”

Everly’s eyes widened, looking first at me, then at Liam. She uncharacteristically said nothing, leaving space for a whole lot of awkward silence.

I hedged for a second, then said, “I just got up.”

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