Page 52 of Turning Up the Heat

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“That’ll be two-fifty.”

I handed her the cash in exchange for my coffee. Josh stood by, patiently waiting. I was regretting the pit stop, even though I knew for a fact I was out of coffee back at home. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind for an interrogation at the moment, seeing as how I’d rolled off his sister less than thirty minutes ago. I could practically still feel her warm, soft curves pressing up against me.

“So—you and Lanie?” Josh’s clear blue eyes narrowed, a deep line etched between his brows, forming a perfect ’11.’

His question cut into my revelry. “Yeah? Is there a specific question there? Or are we keeping it general?”

“What’s going on with you two?”

The barista bobbed her head, clearly invested in our conversation. The last thing I needed was more gossip about the two of us going around, so I walked to a nearby table and sat down. Josh took my cue, sliding into the seat across from me.

I took a shaky breath, let it out, trying to figure what to say. Crossing my legs, I looked up and met his gaze.

“I guess you could say we’re dating.”

“Okay. Seems kind of vague. What does that mean, exactly?” Josh folded his arms across his chest.

Over Josh’s shoulder, I noticed the barista leaning forward on her elbows, clearly eavesdropping. I caught her gaze and she quickly looked away, busying herself with wiping down the already spotless counter.

“Dude, have you been married so long that you can’t remember the definition of dating?” I smirked.

“No, smartass, but from what I recall, my definition of dating was slightly different than yours.” He narrowed his eyes at me, his lips a pinched, thin line.

“Delaney’s your sister, man. I’m not going to disrespect her or our friendship. Give me a little credit here.” I shook my head, annoyed.Sure, I had a minor reputation around town. But really? Where was the trust?

“Sorry. It’s just that I’ve seen you churn through more than a few ladies over the last couple of years. Not that I think you’d do that to my sister, but I figured we should probably have some sort of conversation about it.”

I bristled at the insinuation, my shoulders tensing. He was right, of course, but still.

“I hear you and I get it. If I had a sister, I’d do the same. But I can tell you my intentions are good.” I sat back, crossing my ankles under the table, trying to at least seem relaxed. Ireallydidn’t want him to ask about my sex life right now.

“I trust you like a brother, man, you know that.” He steepled his fingers together on the table, locked his eyes on mine.

I met his gaze. “I appreciate that. Same here.”

“Good, then we’re clear. Don’t blow it, Quinn.”

He stood up, patted my shoulder, and walked out the door. I puffed out a huge breath of air, not of relief, exactly, but pretty damn close to it. That conversation was awkward as hell and I was in no mood to repeat it, ever.

Glancing up, the barista shot me two thumbs-up.Fanfuckingtastic.

At leastshethought I was capable of an adult relationship, the only real endorsement I’d had thus far.

I tried not to dwell on what that said about my track record and did my best to push my mantra—Do Not Get Involved—way, way down, back into the recesses of my brain. Because I was in deep now and it was too late to not get involved.

* * *

At six P.M., I shrugged on my leather jacket and grabbed my keys, locking the door behind me. It was time to pick Delaney up. I’d kicked around several options for our date but kept coming back to a night at the Christmas Village, which was really the main square, all dressed up for the holidays. We’d grab something to eat, hit some of the shops, take in the lights, ice skate, maybe end the night with a hot chocolate. It was a nice, casual night and seemed like something she’d be into.

The bakery sign was dark when I pulled up, the door locked for the night. I rang the bell and tried to relax, even though I was a little nervous after my run-in with Josh. Everything was cool with us, but I couldn’t quite shake the icy chill of anxiety coiled in the pit of my stomach. It’d been a long time since I’d been this muddied up by a girl and I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the feeling, but I was kind of past the point of no return.

“Hey.” Delaney opened the door just as the streetlights came on, bathing her in a pool of light. She looked absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, in tight jeans and an emerald satiny blouse that dipped dangerously low in the front.

“Hey.” I leaned in, kissing her lightly on her glossy lips, inhaling her signature scent of lemon with a hint of vanilla. “You look beautiful.”

“Thanks.” She did a quick spin at the compliment, locking the door behind her and buttoning up her coat. “I got your text about going casual, so I hope this works.”

“It’s perfect.” I handed her a helmet. “I’ll drive. I’m not really up for the van.”

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