Page 47 of Turning Up the Heat

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“Yeah, I have to go back to my station. I’m manning the firetruck for the toy drive.”

“You are?” Kacie gushed. I could practically see her panting over the thought of Quinn in his uniform. “Looks like this is my—I mean, theLifestyle’ssection—night. Double feature!” She clapped her hands together with glee and my heart sunk. I mean, I was happy for Station 54 and all, but she’d come for my cookies and now I was going to split the section with toys for needy kids? So much for free press.

“You wouldn’t mind, would you?” Kacie asked, stroking Quinn’s arm.

He contemplated for a second, then agreed. “Sure, why not? It’s for the kids, after all.”

“Exactly!” Kacie said, beaming, her teeth a perfect white line in the dark. “Great. I’ll have my photographer come up first thing and we’ll get both stories, two birds with one stone.” She tapped away on her cell phone again, looking infinitely pleased.

“Great,” I said, less than enthusiastically.

Quinn shrugged. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine. I mean, I see the appeal.”

“Okay, so we’re all set. So Lanie, let’s get a quick shot...” She lined me up with Mars, behind our cookie display, and counted to three. “M’kay, looks good. Now you, Mr. Firefighter.” She locked arms with Quinn and dragged him away into the night, presumably towards the firetruck.

“That went well,” Mars said into the darkness.

“Yeah, right,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m not sure what to be more pissed off about—losing my date or losing my publicity.”

“Tough call, Lane. I think I’d go with publicity. I don’t really see Quinn going for someone like Kacie. Maybe for one night, but not for the long haul.”

“Wow, thanks, Mars, I feel so much better now.”

“No problem,” Mars said, throwing his skinny arm around my shoulders. “Here, have a cookie.”



Mars and I handed out roughly seven dozen more cookies before they finally made the announcement that the tree lighting would begin in T-minus five minutes.

“Thank gawd, because we’re almost out of cookies,” Mars said, surveying the empty platters. “Who knew everyone in Peachtree Grove would show up for this thing?”

I raised my hand. “Me. Remember when I told you I didn’t think we baked enough cookies and you poo-pooed me? Yeah.”

“Okay, Miss Grumpy Pants. Go.”

I slammed another cookie tray onto the pile. “I’m not Miss Grumpy Pants. I’m just annoyed and justifiably so. Quinn stole my publicity and Kacie stole my date!”

“Well, don’t let them,” Mars said, leveling a serious gaze at me. “Go take control of the situation. Have the romantic night you planned and we’ll knock her socks off in the morning.”

I crossed my arms, staring up into the inky sky, contemplating. Mars was right. I needed to take control of this situation. I needed this publicity. And more and more, I needed Quinn, even though that hadn’t been the plan.

“Don’t dally or I’m going to change my mind,” Mars said in a warning voice.

“I second that notion,” Lindsey chirped from her spot next door.

“What?” I swiveled my head to look at Lindsey, who’d popped over.

“I heard the whole thing go down. Remember I’m just over there.” She pointed to her tent. “It’s not that far and that reporter’s voice is so high-pitched it totally carries. Anyway, I agree with Mars. Scoot over there and take back your manandyour publicity.”

“I don’t know,” I said, fiddling with my necklace and biting down on my lower lip.

“Off with you!” Mars said, pushing me out of the tent.

“Okay, I’ll go. Thanks.” I waved to them and then hustled towards the firetruck on the other side of the square.

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