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“Sorry, ohmygosh, I’m so sorry.” I patted the muscular chest of the man I’d practically knocked out with the door. Who just happened to be Quinn McCauliffe, my brother’s best friend, all grown up.

All grown up in all the right ways too, apparently. My brother’s best friend had turned into one of the hottest guys I’d seen in a long damn time.

He looked down at me, locking his flinty grey eyes with mine. “Is that how you typically greet your customers, Delaney?” He rubbed a hand across his square jaw. “Because if it is, I don’t think this bakery’s going to last long.”

My cheeks flushed. Quinn always had known how to get under my skin. “No, it’s definitely not, because, like I said, we’re not open for business yet.” I threw my hand on my jutted hip. “Can I help you with something?” I stuck out my chest a smidge and straightened my shoulders.

He held my gaze for a second, then his eyes traveled up and down my body, taking me all in.

“I’m here to conduct your fire inspection.” Reaching into the back pocket of his perfectly fitted jeans, he produced a business card and handed it to me. Then, without further pleasantries, he grabbed his clipboard and wandered off.

I gazed down at the card.Peachtree Grove, Fire Station 54.The same station where my brothers worked.

“How come I didn’t know you were coming?” I asked, tapping my toe in annoyance.

He glanced over at me from the electrical outlet in the corner. “I don’t know. Do you have a phone number on file with the county? I don’t make the appointments, I just keep them.” He marked his paper and kept moving, undeterred by my questions.

Not letting up, I trailed him to the kitchen. “I do, but no one called.”

Quinn shrugged and I couldn’t help but notice his broad shoulders, how they tapered down to his trim waist.

“Don’t know what to tell you.” He turned his attention back to the electrical box behind the fridge.

“I think I have everything in order.” I babbled at Quinn’s back, trying my hardest to remain focused on the inspection, not his very fine ass.

He flipped open the electrical box, sticking his head in for a closer look. I moved over to the box, sliding up behind him, close enough to smell the woodsy scent of his aftershave. Standing on my tiptoes, I tried to peek over his shoulder, but he was a lot taller and bigger than me, so I couldn’t see much.

Quinn scribbled something on his paper, then straightened up, his arm brushing against mine. A ripple of electricity shimmered down my arm. Not exactly what I needed right now.

“Both my brothers helped me with the design, so...” I said as I followed him across the room. He bent down, checking beneath the sink, and I stood awkwardly behind him, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Is that right?” He stood up, then swiveled around to face me. We were inches apart; I could see the laugh lines on his otherwise serious face.

“Well, hope they’ll be able to give you a few pointers on how to prepare for your second inspection.”

“Excuse me? What?” My hands balled up at my hips and heat flamed my cheeks.

He cocked his head, narrowing his grey eyes. “You heard me. You have,” he trailed a finger down the checklist, “four minor violations that need to be rectified by the next inspection. Sorry.” He tore the top copy of the checklist off his clipboard, handing it to me. Our fingers brushed and damn it, that ripple of electricity shot through my body again.

“Thanks,” I said through pursed lips, not at all grateful for his services.

“No problem. Just doing my job.” He shot me a grin, winking at me. Bastard.

“So now what? Do I schedule another inspection with you? How does this work?” I glared at him.

“I usually follow up in a week or so, give you enough time to thoroughly work out the kinks.”

“A week! I don’t have a week. The grand opening is scheduled two days from now. Could you come back tomorrow?” I tried to keep the hysteria out of my voice, but I could not afford to delay the grand opening. I had everything lined up—marketing, social media, even the local news was scheduled to cover the event.

He tilted his head to the side, a tiny smile pulling at the corner of his lip, while he mulled over the possibility of a return visit tomorrow. Then he pulled out his cell, making a big show of scrolling through his calendar, checking his “jam-packed” schedule.

“I suppose I can make an exception. Just this once. For Josh’s little sister.” He moved in closer to me, our bodies nearly touching. “But don’t go spreading the word around town. I can’t do this for everyone, but since you’re up against the wall...” He locked his eyes on mine again and I swear I could practically see a dirty thought dancing across his mind.

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. “Just give me a time and I’ll make it work.” I broke my gaze, fishing my cell out of my apron pocket. I hoped he couldn’t hear my heart hammering double-time in my chest.

“Five P.M. tomorrow work for you?” he asked, leaning his body slightly in towards mine.

“Um, sure. I’ll make it work. Thanks.” I flashed him a tight smile, trying hard to ignore the sudden warmth in the room.

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