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Lana blinked. “Okay.”

Part of me deflated at that response, but I knew it was for the best.

“I had a good time with you, Lana. Thanks for showing me the beach.”

“Sure.” She licked her bottom lip, drawing my attention to it, and damn if I didn’t want to kiss it—her—again. But I really shouldn’t.

Really, really shouldn’t.

“Hey, not to sound weird, but how old are you?”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “How old do you think I am?”

I scrubbed a hand through my hair. Ireallyhated this game. “Uh, twenty-three?” I guessed, hopeful she was at least that old.

She threw her head back, laughing. “You’re great! Nah, I’m twenty-seven. How old are you?”

“Ancient. Thirty-six.”

“Perfect. Totally hitting your stride then.” She smiled at me, her teeth glistening in the moonlight.

I chuckled. “If by stride you mean rapidly approaching mid-middle-age, yeah, I guess I am.”

“You make middle-age look good,” she said, winking at me and flipping her hair over her shoulder before turning and walking back towards the steps.

I was relieved she wasn’t looking at me as I followed her back up the beach, my face burning under her flattery. I adjusted my now-too-tight pants and exhaled long and hard.

This girl could be my undoing. Well, my second undoing; Hudson’s mother had been my first.

At the top of the steps, Lana swiveled around, her hands stretched out to touch both rails.

“Night, ancient Grant.” She bent down, her tits at eye level, good God, and dropped a hot, soft kiss straight on my unsuspecting lips.

I kissed her back, of course, meeting her pressure, and then she was gone, sashaying into the night without another word.

I stood and watched her ass fade into the distance, waiting for logic and reasoning to fire up again in my brain, reminding me not to get involved.

But the only sound I heard was the soft, reassuring lap of the waves.


Holy moley.Hudson’s dad was even hotter than I’d thought back at the Rec Center. Those clear pools of blue, coupled with his fucking intense gaze—I was already close to melting into him right there on the beach. I had to walk away to gain my composure.

Besides, I wasn’t even sure if he was into me. Like Bethany said—I’d seen this movie before and the ending wasn’t all that great IRL. Take my last boyfriend, for instance. Total fucking train wreck. I found out (through the Starlight Bay grapevine) he was sleeping with the school secretary. Who was married. With kids.


I wasn’t sure if they were together now or not, but let’s just say I try to make copies while she’s at lunch.

Bethany was right; my picker totally sucks. Which is why I walked away. Odds were real good that Hudson would enroll in my school come fall—he might even be in my class—and I would run into Grant a thousand and one times. So if things were weird between us that would be really, really bad.

Best to just end things before they started and either of us got hurt.

Although I was stillveryinterested in what he looked like in casual clothes…or less.

* * *

Lucky for me,my week was crazy-town. One of the other swim instructors called in sick, although I suspected she was actually on vacation, so I picked up an extra roster of screaming toddlers. Awesomesauce.

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